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Para recibir asistencia en Español, llame a nuestra oficina al 202-531-8320 በአማርኛ እርዳታ ከፈለጉ በዚህ ቁጥር ይደውሉ 202-531-8320

Constituent Services

Our team is here to make sure that government works for all of us, so reach out if you need support! Please call our office at 202-724-8052. Para recibir asistencia en Español, llame a nuestra oficina al 202-531-8320.

Get Started by Making a 311 Request

Help us help you by reporting your issue directly to 311 for assistance first, if possible. 311 is DC’s central non-emergency reporting service for government services. We are happy to provide further assistance to make sure the issue is resolved.

You can make a 311 request by: visiting the 311 website, calling 311, texting 32311, or downloading the DC311 app for iPhone or Android.

Contact Our Constituent Services Team

To submit a constituent services request with our office, please contact someone from our constituent services team:

You can also reach the main office by calling 202-724-8052.

When you reach out to us, please don’t forget to share your name and contact info so we can get back in touch with you about your request.

If you submitted a 311 request related to this issue, please also share the 311 request number with us to help streamline our response to your request.

We are looking forward to supporting you with the issue you are facing!

Meet Our Constituent Services Team

Oscar Montiel

Constituent Services Director

Darrell Whitmyer

Constituent Services Specialist

Kristian Smith

Constituent Services Coordinator 202-538-4029