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No Pepco Pledge Disclosures

Councilmember Lewis George is a signatory of the No Pepco Pledge, which asks leaders to:

  • Reject all contributions from Pepco, Washington Gas, and fossil fuel companies
  • Voluntarily disclose all meeting times and topics with Pepco and Washington Gas representatives and lobbyists, and take and make available detailed minutes of all such meetings
  • Support legislation for an economic feasibility study on the implementation of alternative utility models such as Community Choice Aggregation and municipalization in DC

Meeting Disclosures

February 11, 2021: Introductory meeting with PEPCO representatives, which touched on avoiding electricity shutoffs in DC, preventing rate hikes, and transitioning to clean, sustainable energy.

April 6, 2022: Brief meeting with Washington Gas representatives, which focused on rates, improvements to customer service, assistance to low-income residents, addressing gas leaks, and constituent services cases.

Meetings will be disclosed as they take place. Meeting minutes are available by request.