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Statement on the Tragic Shooting at Lamond Rec Center on Thursday, August 1st, 2024

On Thursday night, a shooting at Lamond Rec Center left a 14-year-old boy dead and two other individuals injured. MPD and FEMS acted swiftly and arrived at the scene moments after the shooting took place. The individuals were known to each other, and I’ve spoken with Chief Smith to receive the latest updates on the case. MPD has collected strong evidence and is working swiftly to resolve the case.

I’m heartbroken and outraged at this senseless act of violence. Our kids deserve to be safe, and parents should not have to worry about their children being the victims of gun violence. Rec centers must remain places where kids can form positive relationships, enjoy themselves, and most importantly, feel safe. Our Ward 4 rec centers provide invaluable services and incredible programs that our community should continue to use.

In the coming days, my team and I will be on the ground to address the needs of the neighborhood and provide support to those impacted by this devastating act of violence. I’m grateful to DPR staff for acting swiftly to alert MPD and protect neighbors who were present at the rec center. We’ve also spoken with ANC 4B Commissioner Berry and reached out to Lamond Community Action Group and are grateful for their leadership in this difficult moment.

My deepest condolences are with the families of the victims and the entire Lamond community. This senseless tragedy strikes at the heart of our community, and I remain firmly committed to taking all actions possible to end violence among our young people.

If you have any information at all, please call 202-727-9099, or text 50411.