Today the DC Council Committee on Facilities and Family Services, chaired by Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese Lewis George, unanimously approved major investments to the maintenance and security of DC schools, parks and public buildings, and restored funding to vital programs supporting at-risk families and District residents with disabilities. These changes in the Committee’s budget markup report are the result of weeks of comprehensive oversight hearings and community engagement.
Here are some of the changes approved by the Committee:
Office of the Ombudsperson for Children:
- With the support of the Committee on Public Works and Operations, allocates $1.24 million to restore funding for the Office of the Ombudsperson for Children, improving outcomes for children involved with the Child and Family Services Agency.
DC Department of General Services (DGS):
- $750,000 increase to DGS’s maintenance budget to fund work order reductions, cutting down the time it will take to have repairs made in parks, schools, and government buildings.
- $250,000 to fund repairs for locks and doors in schools — the most frequently requested work order request in District schools — protecting the safety and security of students and teachers.
- Strikes the Mayor’s subtitle opening exemptions to the Greener Government Buildings Amendment Act, upholding the District’s net zero construction goals.
- Institutes process improvements by requiring DGS to publish an annual comprehensive maintenance plan and improves transparency.
Support for Residents with Disabilities (DDS, ODR, MODDHH):
- $900,000 to mitigate cuts to developmental disabilities administration providers, ensuring people with disabilities continue to receive residential supports and services.
- $416,000 to fund the Department on Disability Services clothing allowance to help people with disabilities afford clothing they would otherwise need to spend their limited personal needs allowance on.
- Funds an additional full-time employee to process requests made to the Council for ADA accommodations, including CART captioning and ASL interpretation.
DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA):
- With the support of the Committee on Business and Economic Development and the Committee on Housing, adds $1.35 million to fully restore grant funding for Safe Shores Children’s Advocacy Center, ensuring survivors of violence, trauma, and abuse continue to receive the support they need.
- $400,000 funding increase to support CFSA’s home visiting programs, supporting parents who are at risk for child abuse and neglect.
- $200,000 funding increase to Healthy Families/Thriving Communities Collaboratives, bolstering services for struggling families ahead of the launch of the 211 Warmline in October.
- $100,000 to expand eligibility for the grandparent caregiver program and close caregiver program, preventing individuals who receive SNAP or TANF from losing their ability to provide support to children under their care.
Other Priorities for Families in the District:
- $247,000 funding increase for the ConnectorCard program, helping seniors access transportation at little to no cost.
- $300,000 to fund additional Solid Waste Education and Enforcement inspectors to ensure private properties maintain adequate waste collection.
- $150,000 for maintenance of DOEE bioretention beds, mitigating stormwater runoff and keeping DC’s water supply clean.
- $500,000 to support DOEE Watershed Protection Program’s efforts to improve public maintenance and protect District-owned forests from harmful invasive species.
After passing the committee unanimously, the budget now moves to the full Council for final votes.