Dear Neighbors,
This was an exciting week for our Ward 4 community, as we were able to welcome Briya Public Charter School to their new school building on Shepherd Street in Petworth. Briya is an amazing school that supports so many families in our community, and grateful they will have a long-term space to continue their work for years to come.
In addition to making meaningful progress towards a final budget, I’m also proud of the work my team did to address constituent concerns and connect community members with important resources.
Finally, there are some important updates to share on substantial changes to our Ward 4 bus routes, and how we can make sure they best meet the needs of our community.
Here’s the latest news on the Council and Ward 4:
Submit Comments on WMATA’s Better Bus Network Proposal
On Monday, WMATA opened the public comment period for its proposed Better Bus Network. This plan proposes hundreds of changes for DC’s bus system, including new routes and a completely new naming system. While Ward 4 will receive several new lines, I’m concerned about the impact of existing lines being cut and replaced with alternatives that do not meet the needs of Ward 4 residents.
Here are a few of my biggest concerns:

Finally, over 50 bus stops in Ward 4 will be fully taken out of service, which will also greatly impact our neighborhoods. To see the full list of bus stops proposed to be removed, click here.
WMATA has set a deadline of July 15th for community members to provide feedback on their proposed changes, which will greatly impact Ward 4 residents’ access to transit for years to come. That’s why we need the support of everyone in Ward 4, from ANCs, to community associations, to community members to make sure our voices are heard. To see all the ways you can submit comments on these proposed changes, click here. Over the next few weeks, I’ll also be updating you on other opportunities to engage with WMATA on the changes most directly impacting Ward 4.
Progress Towards a Final Budget
The Council continues to make progress towards reaching a final budget for the next fiscal year, with initial votes less than two weeks away. On Monday, the Committee of the Whole held its committee markup, approving major investments in DC’s education system.I was particularly grateful to see over $25 million invested in DCPS through the Schools First in Budgeting Act, including $5.6 million across Ward 4 schools. I am hopeful that this funding will be preserved in the final budget so schools can avoid harmful cuts impacting Ward 4 students and teachers.
The committee also approved $52.9 million to restore the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund, taking a major step towards ensuring DC’s childcare workforce receives fair compensation. Over the next several weeks, it will be crucial to make sure this language is preserved in the final budget.
On Wednesday, the Council held a work session, where we discussed each of the 11 committees’ recommended investments for the FY25 budget. During this session, I discussed the significant investments my committee made in facilities, disability programs, children, and families. In addition to making sure our facilities are in the best shape possible by investing in work order reduction and lock and door repairs in schools, I’m particularly proud of the work we did to restore programs that were defunded in the Mayor’s proposed budget. These include the Office of the Ombudsperson for Children, which supports families involved with the Child and Family Services Agency, and Safe Shores Children’s Advocacy Center, which supports youth survivors of trauma and abuse.
Now that each committee has approved their budget recommendations, these investments are now under consideration by Council Chairman Mendelson for compilation into a revised budget proposal. The Council will take its first vote on the revised budget on May 29th.
Briya Public Charter School Opening
On Wednesday, I was honored to take part in the ribbon cutting for the Briya Public Charter School on Shepherd Street in Petworth. I came to know Briya during my first year as a Councilmember when the school was located in the Sharpe Health Campus on 13th Street. After the building was needed to accommodate DCPS students, Briya was in need of a permanent space for their school. Over the last several years, I’ve been proud to partner with countless members of the Briya community to help them find a permanent home on Shepherd Street in Petworth.
Briya is an incredibly unique learning environment that provides comprehensive care and support to both parents and children enrolled in the school. Many of Briya’s adult learners are recent immigrants to the United States, and the school’s innovative teaching model provides quality childcare while parents receive English language education and workforce development training. Briya also provides invaluable health and social services to families through their partnership with Mary’s Center in Ward 4. It was amazing to have the opportunity to tour the new space and witness the care and support that is being offered to Ward 4 families.
Protecting DC’s Autonomy on Public Safety
On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed the D.C. CRIMES Act, which would prevent the District from exercising autonomy over several elements of our criminal justice policy. This legislation would threaten much of the progress we have made on public safety, including through Secure DC, and prevent us from taking action to keep our communities safe.
I’m appreciative of President Biden for issuing a statement opposing the bill, and to the countless DC activists and elected officials who voiced their strong opposition this week. Congress already has the authority to strike down any law our city passes and pass laws for DC without the input of our citizens. Legislation like this, rooted in a racist history of disenfranchisement, further emphasizes the need to achieve full statehood for the people of DC.
Weekend Red Line Closures
In preparation for Red Line construction this summer, WMATA is closing the Brookland-CUA Station and pausing Red Line service at Fort Totten on Saturday and Sunday. With Red Line service unavailable at both of these stations, WMATA will be offering free shuttle bus service between Takoma and Rhode Island Avenue.
WMATA’s summer construction work is starting on June 1st, which will close Red Line service between Glenmont and Fort Totten until June 29th, and between Glenmont and Takoma until August 31st. This will mean Ward 4 residents who use the Red Line will have to plan for other travel accommodations. To learn more about the travel alternatives being offered by WMATA during this time span, click here.
ANC 4B Earth Day Fair This Weekend!
Tomorrow, ANC 4B is holding its second annual Earth Day Fair at Takoma Elementary School from 11am to 2pm! Representatives from over 30 government agencies, non-profits, neighborhood groups, and student organizations will be there to meet community members and answer questions. It will be a great opportunity for neighbors to learn more about resources and opportunities for getting engaged in environmentalism!
You can learn more about some of the organizations that will be there and sign up to attend here. And make sure to stop by my team’s table to say hi!

Community Resources
DPR Summer Programs
Registration opened this week for DPR’s summer programs! These programs are geared towards people of all ages, and include programs for yoga, theater, nature photography, aquatics, and so much more. Additionally, reduced rates are available for qualifying families. Check out the full list of programs and register here!
Shepherd Park Library Tech Assistance
The Juanita E. Thornton-Shepherd Park Library will be hosting a drop-by technology assistance session on May 19th, from 1:30 to 3:00pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn technology skills like uploading and downloading, saving documents, submitting online applications, and more. Be sure to bring your device with you and reach out to with any questions!
Ward 4 Roll Off Day
On Saturday, June 1st, from 10am to 2pm, the Mayor’s Office of the Clean City and the Department of Energy and Environment will be holding a roll off day at the Emery Heights Rec Center for community members to dispose of bulk trash and other waste. Community members will also be able to drop off and properly dispose of covered electronic equipment, including TVs and computers. Learn more here. (Note: Due to expected rain, this event was postponed from its prior date of May 18th.)
Better Bus Network Meeting for ANCs
On Thursday, June 6th, WMATA will be hosting a meeting for all ANC commissioners city-wide to present its Better Bus Network Proposal and detail its proposed changes. The meeting will be held from 6 to 7:30pm at WMATA’s headquarters in the Board Room on the first floor. The meeting will also be offered virtually. Commissioners can email to RSVP and indicate your preference for in-person or virtual attendance.
DPW Helping Hand Neighborhood Clean-Up
Each year from March 1st to October 1st, DPW supports community groups organizing Saturday neighborhood clean-up projects through the Helping Hand Program. The program lends toolkits with five rakes and brooms, two shovels, and 20 trash bags. DPW will send trucks to collect the bagged trash and a SWEEP (Solid Waste Education and Enforcement Program) inspector will collect the tool kit. To receive an application for a Helping Hand toolkit for your neighborhood clean-up project, contact the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311.
Solar Switch DC
Solar Switch is a program run by the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) which helps DC residents affordably install solar panels for their homes. The program conducts rigorous reviews of installer qualifications, ensuring applicants receive a high-quality installation from a trusted installer. Register here until July 24th!
Capital Bikeshare for All Program
DDOT recently launched its “Capital Bikeshare for All” program, offering low-income residents $5 annual memberships (usually a $95 value). The program is available to all DC residents who qualify for a state or federal assistance program including SNAP, WIC, TANF, SSI/SSDI, LIHEAP, Veterans disability (60%+), or Medicaid assistance. To learn more about Capital Bikeshare for All and join, click here.
Wheelchair Accessible Taxicab Survey
The Department of For-Hire Vehicles is implementing a pilot program to increase wheelchair-accessible taxicabs in DC this summer. This program will use an online platform to allow wheelchair users to book on-demand taxi rides based on their location. DFHV is seeking more information from community members for inform how the program will look once implemented. To fill out the survey, click here.
DPR Boost Camps
Registration is open for the Department of Parks and Recreation’s Summer Boost Camps! Boost Camps are specialty enrichment camps geared toward tweens ages 11-13. Each day is a combination of enrichment and social-emotional learning with additional access to physical activities like swimming, dance, and group fitness. There will also be time for arts and crafts, games, puzzles, and free play. Click here for more details and to register.
Apply for Tuition Support from DC
Applications are open for DC Futures, DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DC TAG), and the Mayor’s Scholars Undergraduate Program. These are three popular tuition support programs for DC residents pursuing higher education. Applications will close on Friday, September 6th. Learn more and apply!
Disputing a DC Water Bill
A number of community members have expressed confusion or concerns about how to dispute charges with DC Water. After receiving a charge, occupants have a 20-day period to submit a dispute and should submit it in writing with reasons why the bill is believed to be incorrect. Disputes can be filed via mail, email, or through DC Water’s dispute form. Learn more here.
Free Counseling Services for Medicaid Recipients
Olive Tree Counseling Services provides District youth and families with mental and behavioral health supports and offers convenient telehealth visits without the lengthy delay for appointments. This is a free service funded via Medicaid. Olive Tree takes a trauma informed approach with licensed professionals expanding access and reducing barriers to assistance with continuity across the patient’s medical care including family therapy to strengthen the family unit. Learn more on Olive Tree’s website here.

Neighborhood Events
Brightwood Community Association Spring Clean-Up
On Sunday, May 19th, the Brightwood Community Association and ANC 4A04 and 4A05 will hold a neighborhood clean-up from 1 to 2:30pm. Come out and make Brightwood shine and show off how beautiful our neighborhood can be when trash is removed from our streets! Meet on the 1200 block of Tuckerman on the grassy area by St. John Church. (Note: Due to expected rain, this event was postponed from its prior date of May 18th.)
Presentation on the Battle of Fort Stevens
On Saturday, May 18th at 11am, Rock Creek Park will be hosting a presentation on the Battle of Fort Stevens, which took place during the Civil War. The event will be held at the site of the battle at Fort Stevens in Brightwood. Stop by to learn about this important moment in Ward 4 and American history!
Senior Fest on The Yard
The Department of Parks and Recreation is hosting its annual Senior Fest on The Yard event on May 29th at 10am at the University of the District of Columbia. Join for the senior event of the year, with line dancing, live entertainment, food, health resources, and more! Learn more and register here.
Truck Touch 2024
On June 1st from 8am to 2pm, stop by for a day of excitement and innovation at the Annual Citywide Truck Touch 2024 at RFK Stadium Lot 8. Kids will get the chance to get up close with all kinds of vehicles, like fire trucks and snowplows. Plus, free meals for children under 18!
Live Jazz on Kennedy Street
Over the next few months, Home Rule Records will be organizing monthly live jazz performances on the 700 block of Kennedy Street NW, with sponsorship from Uptown Main Street, DSLBD, Realtor Eddie Suarez, and others. Performances kicked off last Wednesday with saxophonist Sara Hughes and will be continuing through September with free live jazz performances each month.
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.

Ward 4 in the News
Petworth News: Host German students for a short stay as they attend Roosevelt High School
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Riggs Park Traffic Control Box Art Project Design – Vote by May 24, 2024
WJLA: Capitol Hill lawmakers pass bill that gives Congress more control over DC crime oversight
WUSA 9: 17-year-old shot, injured nearby high school in Northwest DC
Next Stop…Riggs Park: May 18-19: No Red Line Service at Brookland & Fort Totten Stations
Petworth News: DDOT responds to Grant Circle safety improvements suggestions from ANC 4C

On Friday, I got to tip off the community basketball game between MPD and Metro All Stars at the Riggs-LaSalle Rec Center. What a game!
We’re also nearing the end of the school year, with the last day of classes for DCPS students only a month away. To all Ward 4 students, especially those who are graduating next month, congratulations on making it through the school year!
Check back next week for more updates, and enjoy the weekend, Ward 4!
Yours in Community,