Dear Neighbors,
Our first few days of summer have been hot ones, with a heat emergency in effect over the last week. This morning, the heat emergency was extended through the weekend and into next week, with temperatures nearing 100 degrees on Saturday. On days like these, remember you can find your nearest neighborhood cooling center here and call the shelter hotline at 202-399-7093 if you see someone in need.
Next Tuesday, the Council will hold its final vote on the FY25 budget, bringing our budget work for the year to a close. Last week, I discussed some of the most recent changes, and I’m looking forward to sharing my full list of investments coming to Ward 4 following Tuesday’s vote. Stay tuned for more next week!
Major Progress on Grant Circle
On Monday night, DDOT presented its revised traffic safety plans for Grant Circle, which build on input sent in by community members over the last seven months. DDOT presented three options currently under consideration, including their recommended plan, which keeps many of the important features of their initial design while making meaningful improvements to preserve parking and increase safety. You can look through DDOT’s full presentation here, which also explains the two alternatives.
Here are some of the main changes proposed by DDOT:
- The west side of the circle will remain two lanes from Illinois Ave to New Hampshire Ave, while the remainder of the circle will become one lane, avoiding possible collisions from cars attempting to merge.
- 5 out of the 6 crosswalks in the circle will now cross over one, rather than two lanes of vehicle traffic.
- 6 flashing pedestrian signs will be added to improve visibility and make cars come to stops at pedestrian crossings.
- A protected bike lane will be constructed throughout the circumference of the circle, separated by concrete delineators.
- Pedestrian refuges will be added at every two-way entry/exit leg of the circle, allowing pedestrians to safely and easily traverse the circle.
- 5th Street will be closed off to entries and exits from the south side of the circle to provide more space for merging traffic and reduce conflict.
- 9 additional parking spots will be preserved from DDOT’s prior proposal.

Now that the designs have been released, DDOT will accept feedback from the community for three weeks, until July 12th. If you’d like to share feedback on the proposal, you can do so by emailing Ward 4 Engagement Lead Kornelius Anderson ( or Project Manager Zhibo Zhang ( It’s critical that whichever plan is ultimately implemented suits the needs of the Petworth community.
As we near implementation of a safer, community-informed design, the most important point remains the same: the status quo at Grant Circle is too unsafe — for drivers, bikers, and pedestrians — to delay taking comprehensive action. I’m encouraged by the data-driven approach DDOT has taken, and the significant engagement they have conducted with the public to bring this plan about. I support DDOT’s plan and look forward to making the improvements needed for it to be implemented.
Ward 4 Bus Network Town Hall
In several of my recent newsletters, I’ve discussed WMATA’s Better Bus Network Proposal and the impact it will have on neighborhoods around Ward 4. Here’s what you need to know about the plan:
- The Better Bus plan redraws DC’s bus network, changing many routes, cutting others, and implementing a new naming system. See the full list of new routes and the routes they are replacing here.
- The plan makes significant changes to important Ward 4 routes like the E4 and 63, reducing some neighborhoods’ access to direct travel across town and downtown. See some of the biggest changes impacting neighborhoods in Ward 4 here.
- WMATA is accepting public feedback until July 15th, which will inform the plan that is ultimately implemented. You can submit feedback to WMATA here.
Next Thursday, June 27th at 6:30pm, WMATA will host a Ward 4 town hall at Coolidge High School and answer questions from the community about their proposal. To RSVP, click here. If you ride the bus, we need you to show up and show out to voice your opinion on this plan that will impact every corner of Ward 4 and the District.

ERAP Applications Opening July 1st
Another important date I’d like to bring to your attention is July 1st, when applications will re-open for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. ERAP supports tenants who are facing overdue rent, late fees, or eviction, and is one of the best resources available for people struggling to afford the cost of housing. As the application period approaches, I highly encourage all eligible people to have their application materials ready to submit at noon on July 1st. Funds run out extremely quickly, so make sure to have your documentation prepared before applications open.
For anyone who needs help submitting their applications, DHS will be holding an in-person application session on July 1st from 12 to 4pm, at UDC-CC Lamond-Riggs Campus, at 5171 South Dakota Ave NW. Applicants will need to bring their lease or letter from their landlord proving DC residence, photo ID for all adults in the applying household, and a valid email address. Learn more about the documents needed to submit a complete application here.

Home Rule Music Festival
On Saturday, one of Ward 4’s biggest events of the year will take place at The Parks at Walter Reed: the third annual Home Rule Music Festival! The festival is a celebration of DC’s music and culture and is produced by Ward 4’s own Home Rule Music and Film Preservation Foundation.
The festival will feature food trucks, a vinyl record fair, games and activities for kids, and most importantly, incredible music from some of DC’s greatest musicians! The gates open at noon and the show starts at 1pm.
With the festival going on all day, keep in mind there will be some road closures around The Parks at Walter Reed, with Main Drive being closed from 10am to 2pm. Saturday will also be extremely hot, with temperatures nearing 100 degrees, so remember to stay hydrated, take breaks from the sun, and look out for the safety of your neighbors.

Stay Cool: Ward 4 Cooling Centers and Heat Wave Resources
DC is currently experiencing a major heat wave, and temperatures will continue to get hotter over the weekend. This morning, the heat emergency announced by Mayor Bowser was extended through the weekend and into next week until weather conditions improve. On hot days like these, here are some helpful resources to have on hand:
- Sign up for emergency alerts here.
- Find cooling centers in your neighborhood here.
- For free, accessible transportation to a cooling center, call the shelter hotline at 202-399-7093 or dial 311.
- For all animal emergencies, call the Humane Rescue Alliance at 202-723-5730.
- Visit free museums and public libraries to cool off.
Ward 4 also has 13 cooling centers available to community members in need of a safe area to take a break from the heat. Here is the list of cooling centers open throughout Ward 4:

Community Resources
The Time Is Now to Run for ANC Commissioner in Ward 4
If you have been thinking about how to serve our community, a great option could be running to serve as the ANC Commissioner for your neighborhood. ANC Commissioners are nonpartisan, part-time volunteer elected officials who represent the interests of their immediate neighborhood (approximately 2,000 residents) on issues ranging from development, public safety, traffic changes, and much more. One of my greatest privileges of being Ward 4 Councilmember is working closely with our extraordinary ANC Commissioners in service to our community. We need more of these civic heroes!
Petitions to run for ANC can be picked up from the Board of Elections starting on July 1st and must be submitted back to the Board of Elections by August 7th with at least 25 valid signatures from registered voters in your Single Member District (SMD). Please consider running or encouraging a neighbor who you believe would do a great job. Here are some resources that could be helpful as you consider running:
- Official ANC and SMD Boundaries to locate your SMD.
- ANC 2024 Election Information on how to run for ANC.
- A recent training on Running for ANC from Greater Greater Washington (Note: this training was held in 2022. See the link above for updated dates and reach out to the Board of Elections at with any questions.)
- Greater Greater Washington is also hosting trainings for prospective ANC candidates on Monday, July 1st at 6pm (virtual), and on Sunday, July 14th at 3pm (in-person at Grand Duchess in Adams Morgan.
Summer Public Safety Meeting
Join me on July 1st at 6:30pm for my summer public safety meeting at Brightwood Education Campus. You will have the opportunity to ask questions of me and MPD about our work to strengthen public safety, plus, we’ll talk about what residents can do to help keep their neighborhoods safe. MPD Chief of Police Smith and Commander Lavenhouse will be there to share updates and answer questions.
Petworth Peanuts Newborn Cohort
If you have a baby who was born recently or is due soon, or if you’ll be on parental leave during July-September, join Petworth Peanuts’ newborn cohort starting the first week of July! The July Newborn Cohort will meet twice a week for three+ months, both in-person and virtually. Each week features a guest speaker on topics like infant sleep, infant feeding, postpartum recovery and mental health. Membership in the cohort is $60 per family and covers the costs of supplies, events, operations, and related expenses. Learn more here.
Drop-in Legal Clinic
Tzedek DC is holding a walk-in clinic next Tuesday, June 25th from 2 to 3pm at the Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library. Whether community members need help negotiating with their creditors, managing their credit, or dealing with the consequences of identity theft, they will be able to receive this help regardless of anyone’s citizenship status and in the language that’s needed. All legal consults and services are provided confidentially and free of charge.
Mubadala Citi DC Open Tournament
On Wednesday, June 26th at 6pm, the Executive Office of the Mayor and the National Park Service will update the community on plans for the 2024 Mubadala Citi DC Open Tournament. This year’s tournament will be held from July 27th to August 4th at the Rock Creek Park Tennis Center. Join Wednesday’s call via Teams to learn more about plans for the tournament and to hear from organizers about preparations that are currently underway.
Propose EV Charging Locations
The Department of Energy and Environment is asking residents to propose charging sites for electric vehicles in their communities. Your input will be used to compile a database of potential EV charger site locations and match up potential site hosts with funding. Fill out this form to suggest a location for a potential EV charging station.
Submitting Feedback on Riggs Road NE Protected Bike Lane
DDOT is soliciting public comment on the design of the Riggs Road NE two-way bike lane. This is the proposed bike lane on eastbound Riggs using part of the existing dedicated right-turn only lane between South Dakota Avenue and 1st Place NE. You can review the full design here and submit comments to by July 23, 2024.
DCPS Afterschool Program Registration
Registration is open for afterschool programs for the 2024-25 school year. These programs provide students with academic support, a free meal or snack, and a variety of enrichment activities provided by DCPS teachers, paraprofessionals, and partner organizations across 10 schools in Ward 4. To learn more and register your student, click here.
DPR Summer Programs
Registration is open for DPR’s summer programs! These programs are geared towards people of all ages, and include programs for yoga, theater, nature photography, aquatics, and so much more. Additionally, reduced rates are available for qualifying families. Check out the full list of programs and register here!
DPR Boost Camps
Registration is still open for the Department of Parks and Recreation’s Summer Boost Camps! Boost Camps are specialty enrichment camps geared toward tweens ages 11-13. Each day is a combination of enrichment and social-emotional learning with additional access to physical activities like swimming, dance, and group fitness. There will also be time for arts and crafts, games, puzzles, and free play. Click here for more details and to register.
Special Waste Collection Event at Carter Barron
On June 29th from 8am to 2pm, DPW will be hosting its quarterly special waste collection event for household hazardous waste, electronics recycling, and document shredding at the Carter Barron Tennis Center. Learn more about the event here, and to see the list of items that will be accepted and prohibited, click here.
OAG Community-Based Grant Programs
The Office of the Attorney General is currently seeking proposals from non-profit community-based organizations interested in operating the FY25 Cure the Streets, Domestic Workers Employment Rights, Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention, and Workplace Rights grant program. OAG will be holding virtual and in-person pre-solicitation conferences to discuss application requirements, program guidelines and to answer questions about each grant program. Click here to see the full schedule of meetings.
DPW Helping Hand Neighborhood Clean-Up
Each year from March 1st to October 1st, DPW supports community groups organizing Saturday neighborhood clean-up projects through the Helping Hand Program. The program lends toolkits with five rakes and brooms, two shovels, and 20 trash bags. DPW will send trucks to collect the bagged trash and a SWEEP (Solid Waste Education and Enforcement Program) inspector will collect the tool kit. To receive an application for a Helping Hand toolkit for your neighborhood clean-up project, contact the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311.
Apply for Tuition Support from DC
Applications are open for DC Futures, DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DC TAG), and the Mayor’s Scholars Undergraduate Program. These are three popular tuition support programs for DC residents pursuing higher education. Applications will close on Friday, September 6th. Learn more and apply!

Neighborhood Events
Housing Justice Forum at Peoples Congregational UCC
On Saturday, June 22nd from 1 to 4pm, Peoples Congregational UCC will be hosting a housing justice forum featuring speakers from the DC Housing Finance Agency, the Latino Economic Development Center, Empower DC, and others. Attendees will have the opportunity hear from organizations about their work to increase affordable housing and ask questions of speakers, including about ERAP applications opening on July 1st.
Conversations on Health at Zion Baptist Church
On Saturday, June 22nd, Zion Baptist Church is hosting a community health education and awareness event in partnership with the National Medical Association and Project IMPACT 2.0. The theme of the conversation will be “Importance of African American Representation in Clinical Trials,” and will be held from 9:30am to 2pm at Zion Baptist Church at 4850 Blagden Ave NW.
Turning the Page Bookstore Pop-Up
On Sunday, June 23rd from 10am to 5pm, The Parks at Walter Reed will be hosting a bookstore pop-up with Carpe Librum Used Books at Marketplace Plaza, across from Whole Foods Market. The space will be filled with thousands of high-quality used books of all genres, for all ages. All items are $7 or less and proceeds support local non-profit, Turning the Page, a nonprofit that engages public school families for student success. There will be a DJ spinning fun tunes while you browse and while you’re there, enjoy all the wonderful retailers at the Marketplace Plaza!
WMATA Metro Fest
On Saturday, June 29th from 10am to 2pm, WMATA will be hosting its inaugural Metro Fest at the Franconia-Springfield Metro Station. The event is open to all ages and will feature family-friendly activities including face painting, a 360-photo booth, and a live DJ. The event will also include tables with information about Metro programs and services. Learn more here.
Happy Hour at The Parks
On Friday, June 28th from 5:30 to 7:30pm, stop by The Parks at Walter Reed for dancing and mingling on the new Marketplace Plaza for Happy Hour! The free events will take place once a month on Friday evenings, with this month’s theme being “Prince vs. Michael: A night of Prince and Michael Jackson’s classics and deep cuts.”
Uptown Farmer’s Market
The FRESHFARM Uptown Farmer’s Market is happening every Saturday from 9am to 1pm through November! Stop by for high-quality fruits, vegetables, meats, and breads, and to support local producers. All FRESHFARM markets accept SNAP/EBT, WIC and Senior FMNP checks. Learn more here.
Live Jazz on Kennedy Street
Over the next few months, Home Rule Records will be organizing monthly live jazz performances on the 700 block of Kennedy Street NW, with sponsorship from Uptown Main Street, DSLBD, Realtor Eddie Suarez, and others. Performances will be continuing through September with free live jazz performances each month. The next performance is on July 17th at 7pm with jazz musician Harlan Jones!
Summer in the Parks at Carter Barron
Every Thursday evening in June, Rock Creek Park and Rock Creek Conservancy will be hosting free, family-friendly events at Carter Barron. Come out and join us for music, fun-for-all-ages games, and activities. The next event will be on Thursday, June 27th, from 6 to 8pm. Learn more and register here.
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Ward 4 in the News
Petworth News: DDOT gives a look at Grant Circle changes, feedback open for three weeks
Petworth News: Home Rule Music Festival returns to The Parks at Walter Reed — definitely an amazing show
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Riggs Road NE Cycletrack 90% Design Plan – Submit Comments by July 23
NBC 4: Keep cool at these DC-area splash pads, water parks and pools
Washington Blade: Uptown Pride keeps it hyper local
Petworth News: Petworth blooms, Roosevelt Edition
DC News Now: Looking for a place in DC to craft? We have you covered
WTOP: Things to do in the DC area: Fête De La Musique, Home Rule Music Festival … and more!
NBC 4: Home Rule Festival celebrates DC music and culture

This week, CVS Pharmacy announced plans to close its location on Kennedy Street. I was shocked and disappointed by this decision, which came as a surprise following ANC Commissioners Johnson and Brooks’ recent meeting with CVS about a community mural and ensuring adequate trash pick-up and dumping. Over the last few months, CVS has closed several locations throughout the region, referencing a need to reduce store and pharmacy density.
I have reached out to CVS’s regional manager to determine what went into this decision and will work with our Uptown Main Street to quickly start the exploration process for a new business and comparable pharmacy. This closure directly impacts the health of our community and must be resolved as quickly as possible.
Monday was the last day of school for DCPS, and students are now off for summer recess. On Monday and today, I was honored to be able to congratulate graduates from both of our DCPS high schools in Ward 4, Coolidge and Roosevelt. To our graduating students, we’re so proud of you, and rooting for you every step of the way.
Over the weekend, we welcomed Merry Pin to our Shepherd Park community. Merry Pin is a brand-new crafts store and cafe that will make a great addition to upper Georgia Ave. Saturday was also the second annual Uptown Pride, and I had a blast celebrating with friends and neighbors.
Finally, with summer here, one of the best ways to enjoy the warm weather, meet new neighbors, and build community is by hosting a neighborhood block party. Check out the recording from my workshop with DDOT on how to host a block party or read Petworth News’ guide here.
Have a great weekend and stay cool!
Yours in Community,