This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
This was a busy week full of celebrating new beginnings, tackling constituent concerns, and meeting with community members. The school year officially began on Monday for DCPS students and staff, and I was excited to kick off the week with a visit to Dorothy Height Elementary School, celebrating students returning to a beautiful new school building.
Last Friday marked my final school readiness tours of the summer, with a tour at Roosevelt High School and visit to Coolidge High School in Ward 4. I also prepared a letter to send to DGS and DCPS leadership outlining my takeaways from the summer’s tours and my recommendations for ways to improve school readiness moving forward.
It’s been such a joy seeing community members at our weekly In The Ward 4 You pop-ups. This afternoon, we’re holding our second to last pop-up by the Walmart on Georgia Ave. I encourage neighbors to join to share concerns and ideas for our community.
We’re also looking ahead to Sunday, when WMATA is expected to complete its work on the Red Line between Glenmont and Takoma and reopen the full Red Line to Ward 4 travelers.
Community News
Celebrating a New School Year
On Monday morning, I was grateful to kick off the DCPS school year at Dorothy I. Height Elementary School in Petworth. There’s nothing quite like the excitement students and educators feel on the first day of school, and that was especially true for our Dorothy Height Monarch community, who returned to a beautiful new school building!
Seeing this project come to fruition was also particularly special as we celebrated the opening of the new Cesse Ip Parent Center within the DHES building. Cesse was a dear friend of mine and a cherished member of the Petworth community. She contributed to the community in so many ways, writing insightful articles for Petworth News, being actively involved in neighborhood organizations, and serving the DHES community as a member and former president of the Dorothy Height PTO. This new center will provide space and resources to support the families of children at DHES, a beautiful testament to Cesse’s legacy of service.
As we head into a new school year, I am ready to help our Ward 4 scholars succeed in any way I can. I wish all of our students and educators an amazing school year full of learning and lots of new adventures!

Readiness Tour Takeaways
On Friday, I completed my final school readiness tours of the summer at Roosevelt High School and visited Coolidge High School in Ward 4. Now, I am preparing a letter to the director of DGS and chancellor of DCPS outlining my takeaways and recommendations following this summer’s school readiness tours and students’ return to classes this week. DGS and DCPS have been working continuously to prepare our facilities for the fall, and I’m grateful for their efforts to provide our students and educators safe and comfortable school spaces. My letter details specific policies that can be implemented to streamline and improve facility preparations moving forward. Here are some of my takeaways:
- HVAC Issues: All schools should be able to maintain safe and comfortable temperatures and have the proper contingencies in place for when HVAC issues arise. There is perhaps no better example than Roosevelt High School in Ward 4, where students and educators have dealt with unsuitable temperatures due to persistent HVAC issues. DGS should continue and grow its strategies to better address under- and non-performing HVAC systems and invest in effective temperature contingencies.
- Lock and Door Repairs: The most commonly requested work order in DC Public Schools is repairs to interior and exterior locks and doors. Implementation of my DGS Process Improvements Amendment Act will help give these work orders prioritization as issues come up. We must also continue to treat any security issue, whether broken PA systems or expired fire extinguishers, with the highest priority.
- Improving Accessibility: Our schools must fully account for the diverse educational needs of every student. Gaps in ADA compliance, whether broken elevators or lack of ramps, must be classified as high priority, and DGS should continue its collaboration with the Office of Disability Rights to more quickly identify and resolve them.
- Schools Awaiting Modernizations: The facilities needs of schools with upcoming modernizations should be addressed with the same urgency and attention as any other schools, especially when it comes to preventative maintenance.
- Process Improvements: Clear and transparent communication between DGS, DCPS, and school staff is essential to have repairs made quickly and properly. DGS should alter and expand its training efforts to ensure all available tools are used to complete projects and fix existing issues.
- Transparency with Communities: Residents have a right to be kept up to date on the status of repairs in their communities’ schools. Ward 4 residents have felt this, particularly the Roosevelt community and PTO as they have sought out information about work being done and expected timelines. Agencies should make all efforts to provide updates to community members about work happening in their neighborhoods.
- Escalating Schools’ Priorities: School staff know their buildings best, so the process of developing a summer blitz priority list should start and end with schools. DGS and DCPS should solicit schools’ priorities first and keep schools apprised on the progress of this work.
Nearing the End of Red Line Construction
On Sunday, WMATA is expected to complete its work on the Red Line, reopening Metro transit north of Takoma Station. Over the last several months, many Ward 4 travelers have been impacted by this ongoing construction resulting from the new Purple Line being built in Maryland. I’ve been glad to see progress being made over the summer, including the completion of the upgraded Takoma Metro Station with better lighting, new signage, and sidewalk repairs, as well as a smoother Metro ride with upgraded tracks.
I’m grateful to WMATA for their work on this construction and looking forward to seeing the full Red Line open back up to Ward 4 travelers!
Community Resources
Upshur Pool Closing After Labor Day
After an amazing summer, Upshur Pool will close for the season at 6pm this Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day). Check out DPR’s web page for a full list of other pools that are open over the holiday weekend. Click here to see the full list of closures and modifications to DC services for the holiday.
Riggs Park Aldi Hiring
This fall, a new Aldi is expected to open in Riggs Park! I’m excited to see a new grocery store come to one of our Ward 4 neighborhoods and wanted to share updates on several job openings in the new store, including a full-time assistant store manager, a part-time store cashier/stocker, and a full-time associate. Wages may be as high as $19.50/hour, and applications can be sent in immediately via Aldi’s career page.

Host Roosevelt Exchange Students
This fall, Roosevelt High School will host a number of students from Institute Saint Dominque in Pau, France. The students will need to stay with host families during their time in DC, from Thursday, October 17th to Tuesday, October 29th, 2024. Learn more about the responsibilities of host families and sign up using the form here.
Neighborhood Events
Five Minute Horror Filmmaking Workshop
Starting on Tuesday, September 3rd, from 6:30 to 8pm, Petworth Library is hosting a Five-Minute Horror Filmmaking Workshop, designed to guide participants on how to create a five-minute short on a five-dollar budget. This 8-session workshop will focus on understanding existing independent horror content, building filmmaking skills, and sharing support and feedback, culminating in a library-sponsored, in-person, film festival showcase event at the end of October. Register here.
Soca in the City with Soka Tribe
On Wednesday, September 4th, and Friday, September 6th from 11:30am to 12:30pm, DPR will be hosting Soca in the City at the Fort Stevens Senior and Recreation Center. Attendees can experience real time Caribbean carnival culture through dance fitness classes, soca performances and entertainers, and costume design. Dancers of all ages are welcome!
Doggie Day Swim at Upshur Pool
On Saturday, September 7th, from 11am to 4pm, DPR is hosting a Doggie Day Swim at Upshur Pool. With the end of the outdoor swimming season, this annual event provides dogs with a one-day opportunity to jump in the pools, enjoy a swim and play fun aquatics games. Learn more here!
Shepherd Park Neighborhood-Wide Yard Sale
On Saturday, September 7th and Sunday, September 8th from 9am to 3pm, the Shepherd Park Citizens Association will host a community-wide yard sale. If you’re feeling the urge to purge your household of unused and unwanted items, fill out this form to register!
Fort Slocum Community Clean-Up
On Saturday, September 7th from 1 to 3pm, ANC 4B06 Commissioner Johnson is hosting a community clean-up in Fort Slocum Park. High school volunteers will be eligible to receive volunteer hours. Sign up here to register and remember to bring your DCPS volunteer form.
Zenith Gallery Exhibit
Zenith Gallery in Shepherd Park is continuing its exhibit, “The Marvel of Trees,” until September 14th. Stop by Zenith Gallery to check out some of these incredible sculptures, paintings, and mixed media using tree themes to celebrate DC’s leafy canopy!
Important Reminders
In The Ward 4 You Pop-Ups
We only have two more pop-ups left this summer, this afternoon by the Walmart on Georgia Ave, and next Thursday at Georgia Ave and Arkansas Ave from 3 to 4pm. I’m looking forward to speaking with community members and hearing about what issues are top of mind for neighbors. Hope to see you there!
Summer in the Park at Fort Slocum
Every Thursday evening in August from 6 to 8pm, Rock Creek Park and Rock Creek Conservancy are hosting free, family-friendly events at Fort Slocum. Join for music from DJ Lance Reynolds and fun-for-all-ages games and activities. Learn more and register here.
Office Hours in the Community
Every Wednesday afternoon, our Ward 4 constituent services team holds office hours at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.
For more local events, check outDPR,DC Public Library, andNPS.
Ward 4 in the News
The Washington Post: First day of school in D.C. brings new book bags and buildings
PoPville: Official Word (and dates) about Chicatana’s reopening in the former DC Corazon spot
Chevy Chase News & Notes: August Issue
Ward 4 Dispatch: DPR Project Updates, More School Supply Drives, and Back to School Weekend
Many Ward 4 residents will be enjoying a long weekend this weekend, as we’ll celebrate Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd. As we rest and gather with loved ones, let’s reflect on the importance of union and worker movements in our city and nation, and the challenges many workers still face in achieving the rights and protections enjoyed by others. As DC residents, we’re proud to have the highest minimum wage of any state in the country and strong and vibrant organized labor, all features that draw people to DC and keep our communities strong. But Labor Day also calls on us to recommit ourselves to this work, to continue to build towards more safe, equitable, and fair workplaces for all of us.
Happy Labor Day, Ward 4!
Yours in Community,