This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
Due to rain in the forecast, today’s pop-up event at Georgia Ave and Hamilton St NW has been postponed to Tuesday, July 30th, from 3 to 4pm. We’ll be holding more events like this in other neighborhoods around Ward 4 in the coming weeks, which are geared towards connecting residents with DC government services, tackling concerns specific to each neighborhood, and much more.
We’ve got a big week coming up in Ward 4, with the annual Mubadala Citi DC Open tournament kicking off on Saturday. Below, I’ll explain more about what residents can expect from the tournament, which will take place right in our community at the Rock Creek Tennis Center.
Last weekend was the culmination of months of legislative work, as we officially designated 14th Street between Gallatin and Hamilton as Pastor John W. Davis Way. It was an honor to be with Pastor Davis’ congregation and family as we celebrated his incredible legacy of faith leadership and service.
Lastly, this week, I was proud to announce my introduction of legislation banning landlords from evicting tenants during extreme heat, like the heat emergencies we’ve experienced in recent weeks.
Community News
Brightwood Park Pop-Up Postponed
Due to rain in the forecast, we are postponing our first “In the Ward 4 You” neighborhood pop-up at Georgia Ave and Hamilton St NW. The pop-up will now take place on Tuesday, July 30th from 3 to 4pm.
One of the biggest goals of these pop-ups is to bring constituent services directly to neighbors, letting residents connect with agencies right on their blocks and working with residents to tackle issues impacting their communities. I hope to see you all at Tuesday’s pop-up, and make sure to check back for updates on upcoming pop-ups in other Ward 4 neighborhoods.

Mubadala Citi DC Open Tournament
This weekend marks the start of the annual Mubadala Citi DC Open Tennis Tournament. This amazing event brings some of tennis’ biggest stars right into our community to compete in a week-long tournament at Rock Creek Tennis Center. Because the tournament is taking place right in Ward 4, it’s crucial we mitigate the impact on neighbors who live nearby.
As with recent years, the event logistics are being handled by the Mayor’s office, and managed by our great Ward 4 MOCRs, Yamileth (, 202-436-2087) and Derek ( 202-603-7182). If you have any questions, they are reachable for the duration of the event to make sure all runs smoothly for members of the community. I’m also grateful to all of our hardworking ANC commissioners, without whom this event would not be possible.
Here’s a bit of what to expect from the tournament, especially for 16th Street Heights and Crestwood neighbors:
- Parking Restrictions: Starting this Saturday morning, parking will be restricted in parts of 16th Street Heights and Crestwood, lasting until Sunday, August 4th. Click here to see the map of the exact streets that will be affected.
- Parking Passes: Starting on Wednesday, homes, churches, and businesses located on restricted streets have been receiving parking passes for use during the tournament. If you haven’t received your pass, you can pick one up with an ID at the 4th District Police Station or reach out to one of our Ward 4 MOCRs, Yamileth or Derek, at their emails listed above. Once received, parking passes must be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle to ensure you don’t receive a ticket.
- Reporting Illegally Parked Cars: If you see a car parked illegally or illegal signage placed inside the restricted parking zone, call DPW at 202-541-6083.
- Resolving Incorrect Parking Tickets: If you were mistakenly issued a ticket but live in the restricted area, fill out this form to request ticket dismissal.
- Tickets for the DC Open: Tickets to watch the tournament are still available via SeatGeek for as low as $22, with prices increasing for higher-stakes matches. Residents can also email our Ward 4 MOCRs with their address to request tickets for matches.
I also encourage everyone to read about the incredible history of the DC Open itself! The tournament began in 1969 after reigning US Open champion Arthur Ashe courageously refused to play in non-integrated neighborhoods, so “black faces [could] come out and watch tennis.” If you’d like to learn more about the history of the tournament and its relationship to the civil rights movement in DC, click here.

Pastor John W. Davis Way
On Saturday, I was honored to attend the official street designation for Pastor John W. Davis Way, where we heard from Pastor Davis’ family, his congregants, and colleagues in the ministry who knew him for much of his over four decades leading Mt. Zion Baptist Church. One of the biggest themes that shined through was how much Pastor Davis’ life was defined by service. He served in both World War Two and the Vietnam War before joining the ministry, and as a Pastor, brought the community together with regular events on the church lawn, taught Bible study every Wednesday night and always offered newcomers a ride home, and was a steadfast advocate for kids, emphasizing the importance of education and lifting them up for their accomplishments.
These street designations are so much more than a ceremony and a signpost. They are a tangible way to make sure people like Pastor Davis, who left a lasting impact on the lives of so many people, are memorialized right in the communities they had their greatest impact on. Thank you to Mt. Zion Baptist Church and everyone who shared their support for this legislation honoring Pastor Davis, and making sure his legacy will be known by many generations to come.
Roosevelt Pool Reopened
On Tuesday, DPR announced the reopening of Roosevelt Aquatic Center after the pool was closed for building maintenance. I’m thrilled to have Roosevelt back open to the community, and grateful to DPR and DGS for working to get the pool back open in a timely manner. The current hours for the pool are Monday – Friday from 6am to 9pm, and I am advocating for weekend hours so community members can have greater access to the pool, especially during these hot summer months. I’ve also confirmed a regular cleaning schedule with DGS to ensure the aquatic center stays well-maintained.
Ward 4 Sidewalk Repairs
This week, DDOT announced two new sidewalk repair projects coming to Ward 4 along Georgia Ave. Click on the links below to see more details about the upcoming work to keep our streets and sidewalks in good shape:
- Georgia Ave NW from Fern Pl NW to Geranium St NW, beginning on Friday, July 26th and anticipated to end by August 9th.
- Georgia Ave NW and Aspen St NW, beginning on Friday, July 26th and anticipated to end by August 9th.
Council News/Legislative Updates
Protecting Tenants from Extreme Heat
Recently, I was proud to introduce the Extreme Heat Eviction Protection Act, which would prevent landlords from evicting tenants during extreme heat waves. My bill would extend the same protection that exists for tenants in below-freezing temperatures to temperatures above 95 degrees, ensuring nobody’s access to housing is taken from them under such dire circumstances.
This legislation is especially important for Ward 4 because of how much our community is susceptible to extreme heat. According to data from the DC Policy Center, some of the District’s hottest areas are in Ward 4 east of Rock Creek Park, where temperatures regularly exceed the District average, and put our communities, especially our seniors and young children, at particular risk. I’m proud to introduce this legislation that prevents lives from being put at risk simply because someone can’t afford the cost of housing.

Community Resources
Ward 4 Drug Free Zones in Effect
MPD has announced several drug free zones in Ward 4, which are now in effect until Monday, July 29th at 7:59am. The creation of these drug free zones was authorized by the Secure DC omnibus bill in March and allows MPD to order individuals to disperse from the zone if an officer “reasonably believes” the person is there to commit a drug offense. The boundaries of the drug free zone will be:
- 900 block of Upshur St, NW, between Georgia Ave, NW and Kansas Ave, NW
- 4000 – 4100 blocks of Georgia Ave, NW
- 900 block of Shepherd St, NW
- 4000 – 4100 blocks of Kansas Ave, NW
Cure the Streets Community Empowerment Project
Starting this week, Cure the Streets’ “Good for Drugs and Violence” prevention program is accepting applications from teens in Wards 1 and 4! The program is looking for 20 enthusiastic young people (10 from each ward) to participate and gain valuable skills to stay safe and make positive choices. To sign up, scan the QR code below or click here.

Volunteer with Ward 4 Mutual Aid
Ward 4 Mutual Aid is seeking volunteers to support delivery of food, diapers and supplies to neighbors in need. Community members with access to a vehicle are needed for 5-8 deliveries every third Saturday of the month, with shifts starting at 10am. No commitment is required. W4MA will provide a brief orientation, then email you each month a week before delivery day to assess your availability. Please complete the volunteer form here AND email to express interest and set up a time for an orientation.
Back to School Supply Giveaway
On Saturday, July 27th, 19th Street Baptist Church is hosting a school supply giveaway. The giveaway starts at 10am at 19th Street Baptist Church (4606 16th St NW) and goes until 1pm, or as long as supplies last.
Free Kids Eye Exams
Over the next few weeks, the Shepherd Park-Juanita E. Thornton Library will host no-cost eye exams for kids ages 3-18, starting on Friday, July 26th. Eye exams will take about 20-30 minutes. All children 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult. To see all the times being offered, click here.
DC Water Customer Survey
DC Water is currently inviting customers to take part in its 2024 Voice of the Customer Survey. Customers will be able to express views on DC Water services and suggest improvements, which will be used to identify areas of improvement. You can fill out the survey here.
Vote on Caribbean Carnival Memorial
DC is currently planning several new memorials to celebrate diverse community members across the city. The memorial in Ward 4 will be located at the park at Georgia Avenue and Arkansas Avenue NW, and will honor Ward 4’s legendary Caribbean Carnival. Friday is the last day for residents to vote on which design they’d like to see built. You can vote here.
Neighborhood Events
Happy Hour at The Parks
The next Happy Hour at The Parks is on Friday, July 26th from 5:30 to 7:30pm, complete with dancing and mingling on the Marketplace Plaza! This month’s theme is Line Dancing, and the happy hour will feature an instructor to teach the basic favorites like the Church Clap, the Barn Dance, and the Canadian Stomp. The event is free, with beverages to purchase. You can pop into Whole Foods Market or JINYA Ramen Bar for some bites as well. RSVP here.
Ward 4 Faith Leaders Peace Walk
On Saturday, July 27th, the Ward 4 Faith Leaders are organizing a Peace Walk to pray for the community and unite against violence. The walk will start at 9am at Georgia and Piney Branch and move south along Georgia Ave towards New Hampshire Ave, stopping to pray at different locations. There will also be rest and water stations along the walking path where people can join or break off from the walk.

Kids’ Day at the Mubadala Citi DC Open
On Saturday, July 27th, the US Tennis Association, the Washington Tennis and Education Foundation, Children’s National Hospital, and the Mubadala Citi DC Open will host a Kids’ Day. Kids will get the opportunity to play tennis games, learn new skills and have fun on and off the tennis court. Kids ages 5 to 12 are free with registration. Click here for more info and to register.
Free Kids Zumba Class
On Saturday, July 27th, Petworth Peanuts is partnering with One Rule Dance to offer a free kids Zumba class at 9:30am in Sherman Circle. Kids of all ages welcome!

16th Street Heights Neighborhood Movie Night
On Saturday, July 27th, the 16th Street Neighborhood Association will hold a neighborhood movie night and ice cream social. There will be ice cream and toppings for everyone from 7pm until supplies last, followed by a showing of “The LEGO Movie 2” starting at 9pm. BYO blankets and chairs! The event will be at Piney Spring Green, a green space accessible via 15th Street NW between Varnum and Webster Streets. This event is free and open to everyone.
Jazz on the Lawn
On Saturday, July 27th, from 2 to 4pm, the 19th Street Baptist Church Usher Board is hosting Jazz on the Lawn, featuring Will Magic and the Magic Band. Bring friends, family, and neighbors for an afternoon of music on the church lawn. In case of rain, the event will take place in the church’s Fellowship Hall.

Shepherd Park “Sip and Learn”
On Tuesday, July 30th, from 10 to 11:30am, the Juanita E. Thornton-Shepherd Park Library will host the first of a three-part series for neighbors to sip on various Asian inspired flavored teas and learn about the history of tea beginning in Asian culture from 59 B.C. up to the 17th Century. The event will take place in Meeting Room 1 of the Shepherd Park library.
Craft Events and Workshops at Merry Pin
Now up and running in Shepherd Park, Merry Pin craft store and cafe is hosting a range of events open to the community! Check out their listing of upcoming events here, including happy hours, crafty tales, and art workshops.
Important Reminders
Office Hours in the Community
Every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30pm, our Ward 4 constituent services team holds office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center on 324 Kennedy St NW. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community. As of this week, we are also adding office hours at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm every Wednesday.
Sharing Feedback for DPW Community Conversation
In anticipation of their August 21st Quarterly Community Conversation, DPW is taking submissions from community members of questions about DPW services and concerns. Questions will be accepted until Tuesday, July 30th at 11:59pm, and can be submitted here.
Georgia Ave Speed Limit Change
Earlier this month, DDOT released a notice of intent (NOI) to change the speed limit on Georgia Ave NW from Kalmia Rd NW to Barry Pl NW from 30 mph to 25 mph. DDOT is now accepting public feedback on the change until August 26th, 2024. Comments can be sent to For more details on the notice of intent, click here.
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Ward 4 in the News
NBC 4: The Weekend Scene: Explore free summer flower festivals and more in the DC area
The Washington Informer: Metropolitan Police Chief Pamela A. Smith Marks One Year in Her Role
Ward 4 Dispatch: Battle of Fort Stevens Commemoration, Georgia Ave Traffic Safety, and Designating Pastor John W. Davis Way
Tuesday was the 124th anniversary of an amazing moment in our history in 1900, when Petworth and Takoma faced off in a hotly-contested baseball game as part of one of DC’s amateur baseball leagues. Thanks to Drew Schneider from Petworth News for pointing out this cool piece of Ward 4 history!
Lastly, with the 2024 Olympics beginning on Friday, make sure to visit some of our amazing bars and restaurants throughout Ward 4 to take in the games over the next few weeks!
Have a great weekend and check back next week for more updates!
Yours in Community,