This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
This was a heavy week for our community, as Thursday night, we learned of the senseless killing of a teen at Lamond Rec Center. The individuals involved were known to each other, and MPD is working swiftly to resolve the case. You can read my full statement here, which discusses the actions we are taking in the immediate aftermath of this shooting to make sure tragedies like this never occur again.
My newsletter this week also covers our first two Ward 4 pop-ups on Tuesday and Thursday. Over the next few weeks, I’m looking forward to spending time in neighborhoods around Ward 4 to help address issues facing specific areas in the ward. See below for the full schedule of upcoming pop-ups.
This weekend marks the end of the Mubadala Citi DC Open Tournament, which is being held in Ward 4’s Rock Creek Tennis Center. As a reminder, you can find the details below on parking enforcement and other issues, particularly for nearby 16th Street Heights and Crestwood neighbors.
On Wednesday, I spoke with Acting DDOT Director Kershbaum about the agency’s ongoing progress on the traffic safety plan for Grant Circle. With the comment period on DDOT’s proposed plans now closed, I’m looking forward to seeing the final plan announced in the fall.
My newsletter today also discusses the District surpassing its goal of building 36,000 new housing units by 2025. While this is an important milestone, we have more work to do to increase the amount of affordable housing to address the rising costs of living in Ward 4 and citywide.
Finally, there are several events coming up in the community, including outdoor movie nights, a school supply giveaway, and a new exhibit at Zenith Gallery.
Community News

Responding to the Tragic Shooting at Lamond Rec Center
On Thursday night, a shooting at Lamond Rec Center left a 14-year-old boy dead and two other individuals injured. MPD and FEMS acted swiftly and arrived at the scene moments after the shooting took place. The individuals were known to each other, and I’ve spoken with Chief Smith to receive the latest updates on the case. MPD has collected strong evidence and is working swiftly to resolve the case.
I’m heartbroken and outraged at this senseless act of violence. Our kids deserve to be safe, and parents should not have to worry about their children being the victims of gun violence. Rec centers must remain places where kids can form positive relationships, enjoy themselves, and most importantly, feel safe. Our Ward 4 rec centers provide invaluable services and incredible programs that our community should continue to use.
In the coming days, my team and I will be on the ground to address the needs of the neighborhood and provide support to those impacted by this devastating act of violence. I’m grateful to DPR staff for acting swiftly to alert MPD and protect neighbors who were present at the rec center. We’ve also spoken with ANC 4B Commissioner Berry and reached out to Lamond Community Action Group and are grateful for their leadership in this difficult moment.
My deepest condolences are with the families of the victims and the entire Lamond community. This senseless tragedy strikes at the heart of our community, and I remain firmly committed to taking all actions possible to end violence among our young people.
If you have any information at all, please call 202-727-9099, or text 50411.
In The Ward 4 You Pop-Ups
This week, I was thrilled to welcome community members to our first In The Ward 4 You neighborhood pop-ups! On Tuesday, we were at Georgia Ave and Hamilton St, and Thursday at New Hampshire Ave and Farragut St, with agencies including MPD, DBH, OPC, DOES, and DOB. I was happy to see many community members join both days for constructive conversations about issues facing our neighborhoods.
We’ll be holding these events every Thursday for the rest of the summer, stopping in different neighborhoods to meet with community members, identify areas of concern, bring resources, and support residents with constituent services requests. Our next stops will be Manor Park, Brightwood, and Takoma. Make sure to check out the full schedule below so you can be a part of our events!

Final Weekend of the DC Open
This Sunday, August 4th concludes the Mubadala Citi DC Open Tennis Tournament, which is being hosted at Rock Creek Tennis Center in Ward 4. I wanted to remind nearby neighbors in 16th Street Heights and Crestwood about logistics for the tournament.
As with recent years, the event logistics are being handled by the Mayor’s office and managed by the Mayor’s Office on Community Relations’ Yamileth Escobar, our Ward 4 Manager (, 202-436-2087). If you have any questions, please let Yami know.
- Parking Restrictions: Parking is currently restricted in parts of 16th Street Heights and Crestwood, lasting until Sunday, August 4th. Click here to see the map of the exact streets that are being affected.
- Parking Passes: Homes, churches, and businesses located on restricted streets have been receiving parking passes for use during the tournament. If you haven’t received your pass, you can pick one up with an ID at the 4th District Police Station or reach out to Yami at the email listed above. Parking passes must be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle to ensure you don’t receive a ticket.
- Reporting Illegally Parked Cars: If you see a car parked illegally or illegal signage placed inside the restricted parking zone, call DPW at 202-541-6083.
- Resolving Incorrect Parking Tickets: If you were mistakenly issued a ticket but live in the restricted area, fill out this form to request ticket dismissal.
Grant Circle Updates
On Wednesday, I spoke with Acting DDOT Director Kershbaum about DDOT’s ongoing progress on the traffic safety plan for Grant Circle. Earlier this month, the comment period closed for DDOT’s proposed plans, and their work is on schedule to announce a finalized plan in the fall.
I’m grateful to DDOT for their continued commitment to this vital Ward 4 project and am grateful for the hard work of ANC 4C and members of the community. I look forward to seeing the final plan announced in the fall to make meaningful safety improvements to Grant Circle.
Investing in Affordable Housing
This week, Mayor Bowser announced that the District will surpass its goal of building 36,000 new housing units by 2025. This goal was set in 2019 and marks an important step forward to address the need for more housing across the city.
However, DC has not met its goal of making one third of these housing units affordable. Since 2019, there have been 2,228 new units built in Ward 4, including 1,066 affordable units. While this is a start, it doesn’t do enough to meet the scale of the problem, which is forcing too many people out of our communities and causing many to lose their homes.
We also need to make sure affordable housing is truly affordable for everyone in our community. For this particular goal, the District classifies affordable housing as being affordable to families making 80% or less of area median income, which currently stands at around $121,700 for a family of four. This is simply too high for many families who live and work in DC yet can’t afford rising rental costs.
Right now, a bill I introduced, the Green New Deal for Housing Act, is under consideration by the Council. This bill would produce a significant increase in publicly owned, mixed-income housing that generates deeper affordability. It would also create a new agency to oversee the construction of housing using fair labor standards and meeting the District’s net-zero emission standards. We need bold action to address the affordability crisis and achieve the kind of economic revival DC needs. This legislation would help meet this need, and I’ll be fighting to push the bill forward as we approach the fall legislative session.
Community Resources
MPower Scammers
Over the last few weeks, there have been reports of scam salesmen from MPower Energy knocking on doors in Brightwood, Manor Park, and Takoma asking residents about their utilities. If you see these individuals, turn them away, and don’t provide any personal information. I also encourage you to submit a consumer complaint to OAG or call the consumer protection hotline at (202) 442-9828.
Walmart Wellness Day
On Saturday, August 3rd, from 10am to 2pm local time, Walmart Pharmacies nationwide are hosting Walmart Wellness Day, providing free health screenings, free and low-cost immunizations, and the opportunity to speak with a pharmacist. Visit one of our Ward 4 Walmart locations on Georgia Ave or Riggs Rd to access health services.
Riggs Park Backpack Giveaway
On Friday, August 9th from 4 to 7pm, The Parks Main Street, ANC 4B, and several other local businesses and community organizations are joining to host a backpack giveaway across from Walmart at 5581 South Dakota Ave NE. Residents will be able to get backpacks filled with school supplies and hygiene items in preparation for the upcoming school year. If you’d like to donate to the event or have any questions, reach out to
Free Paint Recycling at Ida B. Wells
On Saturday, August 10th from 9am to 1pm, PaintCare is hosting a paint drop-off and giveaway for households and businesses to dispose of paint. Paint in good condition will be made available to the public for free. The event will be held at Ida B. Wells Middle School. See more information and register here.
DPW Smart Bin Meeting
DPW is conducting virtual Community Engagement meetings in all 8 Wards to Seek Community Input for the installation of 24/7 Food Waste Drop-Off Bins. Ward 4’s virtual meeting will be on Thursday, August 15th from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Register for the meeting here.

Neighborhood Events
Summer in the Park at Fort Slocum
Every Thursday evening in August from 6 to 8pm, Rock Creek Park and Rock Creek Conservancy are hosting free, family-friendly events at Fort Slocum. Join for music from DJ Lance Reynolds and fun-for-all-ages games and activities. Learn more and register here.

The Marvel of Trees at Zenith Gallery
Starting today, Zenith Gallery in Shepherd Park has a new exhibit, “The Marvel of Trees.” The exhibit will feature the works of nearly a dozen artists, with Meet the Artist receptions on Thursday, August 1st from 4 to 8pm and on Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 6pm.
DPR Soccer Clinic and Showcase
Starting on Friday, August 2nd, DPR is hosting their third annual Black Star Free Clinic and College Showcase, with events throughout the weekend.
- On Friday, August 2nd from 6 to 9pm, there will be pick-up games at Takoma Rec Center, where players 15+ can put their most creative moves on display, enjoy food, drinks, and a DJ, and compete against other teams to be crowned the Community Pickup champion.
- On Saturday, August 3rd from 9am to 12pm, First Touch will run a clinic at Takoma Rec Center for ages 7-12, designed to improve participant skills and strengthen players’ love of the game, complete with giveaways, music, and professional player meet-and-greets.
- On Sunday, August 4th from 9am to 2pm, Next Wave will hold a free tryout and talent ID program for boys and girls ages 13-18 that provides participants with a platform to be scouted and recruited for college, youth club, US Soccer, and professional playing opportunities. Learn more about the weekend’s events and register here.
Roving Leaders Movie Night at Takoma Rec Center
On Friday, August 2nd at 7pm, DPR Roving Leaders are hosting a movie night at the Takoma Rec Center. Grab your blankets and chairs and join for a showing of “Spiderman”!
Guided Hike in Rock Creek Park
On Sunday, August 4th from 9 to 11am, the Shepherd Park Weed Warriors are hosting their monthly guided hike in Rock Creek Park. Bring water and meet at the Holly Trailhead at 16th and Holly and learn about some of our local plants native to Rock Creek Park.
Books and Blocks Party
On Saturday, August 10th from 12 to 4pm, DC Health is partnering with ANC 4C and several other community organizations to host their 5th Annual Books and Blocks Party, this year at Raymond Rec Center in Ward 4! The event will include health and developmental screenings, community resources, arts and crafts, a live DJ, and a range of giveaways aimed at supporting families, expectant families, and caregivers of children ages 0-5 years.

Screen on the Green
On Thursday, August 15th at 8pm, there will be a movie night under the stars at Capital City Public Charter School. Grab your friends, family, and blankets for free popcorn and a showing of “Elemental.” Don’t forget to arrive early to snag the best spot on the lawn. Thanks to ANC 4B06 Commissioner Tiffani Nichole Johnson for organizing this great event!

Important Reminders
Office Hours in the Community
Every Wednesday afternoon, our Ward 4 constituent services team holds office hours at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours atHattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.
Volunteer with Ward 4 Mutual Aid
Ward 4 Mutual Aid is seeking volunteers to support delivery of food, diapers and supplies to neighbors in need. Community members with access to a vehicle are needed for 5-8 deliveries every third Saturday of the month, with shifts starting at 10am. No commitment is required. W4MA will provide a brief orientation, then email you each month a week before delivery day to assess your availability. Please complete the volunteer form here AND email to express interest and set up a time for an orientation.
DC Water Customer Survey
DC Water is currently inviting customers to take part in its 2024 Voice of the Customer Survey. Customers will be able to express views on DC Water services and suggest improvements, which will be used to identify areas of improvement. You can fill out the survey here.
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Ward 4 in the News
Petworth News: Students Opposing Slavery summit at Lincoln’s Cottage creates ideas for freedom
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Riggs Crossing July 2024 Construction Update
PoPville: More info on Seta Oasis coming to Petworth this Fall!
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Please Run for ANC – Petitions Due August 7, 2024
Source of the Spring: Pynk Saffron Spice Boutique Opens in Takoma D.C.
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Neighborhood Aldi is Hiring – Apply Online
Ward 4 Dispatch: Ward 4 Pop-Up, DC Open Week, and Legislation to Protect Tenants from Extreme Heat
On Wednesday, I was saddened to learn of the passing of Mary Levy. Mary was a brilliant mind and fierce advocate for public education, transparency and accountability, who cared deeply about our students and educators. Mary will be deeply missed, and I’m sending my sincerest condolences to her family and loved ones.
This week, we continued facilities tours, with visits to Roosevelt High School and Hamilton Park in Ward 4. As Chair of the Committee on Facilities and Family Services, these tours are essential to identify and troubleshoot facilities issues to make sure our schools and public spaces are in the best possible shape for community members.
Lastly, with rain in the forecast, it’s a great weekend to check out some of the amazing art in Ward 4, whether at Zenith Gallery’s latest exhibit, or through some of the many workshops and community events at newly opened Merry Pin in Shepherd Park.
Have a relaxing weekend, neighbors.
Yours in Community,