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Ward 4 Dispatch: Library Updates, Coffee on Kennedy, and TranspoBINGO Begins!

This Week’s Highlights

Dear Neighbors,

It feels like spring is just around the corner! I hope you enjoyed the sunny weather this week and were able to spend some time outside in the community. This week, I was grateful to welcome a new business to Ward 4 and also attended several agency performance oversight hearings, raising issues brought up by Ward 4 community members. We also brought our 2025 Listen As We Climb sessions to a close with our final virtual event on Wednesday night, and got some exciting news on our Ward 4 libraries. Here is everything you need to know about DC government and our community!

 Community News

Important Update on Our Ward 4 Libraries!

On Wednesday night, DC Public Library published its facilities master plan, which lays out upcoming developments and expansions within the DC Public Library system. In the report, I was thrilled to see DCPL recommend the Juanita E. Thornton-Shepherd Park Library be renovated on its current site and a new community commons be constructed to resolve the library service gap in Manor Park and Brightwood Park. DCPL’s community commons plan includes meeting space, study rooms, and printing services, community services space for job placement assistance, healthcare enrollment, tax preparation support, and other resources including the ability for neighbors to pick up books from DCPL libraries at the commons. Everyone in our community deserves space to gather, access resources, and thrive, and I’m grateful to all the community members who worked hard to voice this need, from making calls to testifying in oversight hearings. I’m excited to get to work on these projects alongside DCPL, and looking forward to what is to come!

Listen As We Climb 2025 Comes to a Close

As leaders, we cannot speak for the community if you don’t speak with the community, and over the last several weeks, it has been a joy to meet with many members of the community through our Ward 4 listening sessions, hearing great ideas for legislation, oversight and the DC budget. On Wednesday evening, we held our final event of the year, a virtual session with neighbors from across Ward 4. As Listen As We Climb 2025 comes to a close, our work is only beginning, as I’ll be taking many of these thoughts and feedback from community members and putting them into action for new legislation and funding for important community projects through the DC budget. Thank you to every neighbor who joined our listening sessions and engaged on the issues that matter most. Remember, our line is always open for any community members who want to voice a concern share an idea for a way to improve our community.

Spreading the Word on Revitalizing Georgia Ave!

This week, I published a column in Petworth News on my recently announced Revitalizing Georgia Ave project. The goal of this project is to attract small businesses that reflect the diversity of our community, doing all we can to ensure our corridor remains safe, clean, and comfortable, and creating a vibrant environment that brings our community together, especially our families, seniors and young people. You can read my full column here!

As we kick off this project, it’s crucial that the voices of the people who live around, work in, and know Georgia Ave best are heard loud and clear. That’s why I’m inviting neighbors to share their feedback via my Georgia Avenue Revitalization survey. I’m also inviting Ward 4 neighbors to apply for the new Georgia Ave Revitalization Advisory Group. Whether you have experience in small business management, real estate, neighborhood development, or feel like you can make a meaningful contribution, I encourage you to send an email to my Chief of Staff Candace Nelson at Thank you to Drew Schneider and Petworth News for helping me spread the word and keeping neighbors informed!

Welcome to Ward 4, Idido’s Coffee and Social!

It’s always a joy when we are able to welcome a new business to our community, and on Tuesday, I had the pleasure of visiting Idido’s Coffee and Social on 2nd and Kennedy Street, which recently opened in Manor Park. It was a joy to chat with Idido’s’ owner Sofonias Gebretsadick and meet staff, many of whom live right here in our community. Idido’s has a beautiful new space, with plenty of room for community gathering, including outdoor seating. If you live in the area or are just looking for a great cup of coffee, make sure to stop by and welcome them to the neighborhood!

 Council News/Legislative Updates

Performance Oversight Updates: DPR, DPW, DOB, and More

It was another action-packed week of Council hearings and oversight. On Monday, I held the oversight hearing for the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and was able to have honest and productive conversations with agency leadership. I asked Director Freeman about DPR’s policies to quickly communicate pool and rec center closures to neighbors and asked about what leads to gaps in lifeguard service and how the agency responds. We must do more to make sure neighbors are kept in the know when issues arise. I also asked agency leaders about how DPR stays on top of routine maintenance, including collecting trash and making repairs. Oftentimes, overlapping responsibilities between different agencies mean problems linger for long periods of time, like broken nets or faulty doors, which impact safety or prevent neighbors from fully using our facilities. I also asked about some of our ongoing Ward 4 projects, including the Emery Heights Community Center’s modernization, which will start its community engagement phase in the spring, and Upshur Rec Center’s modernization, which will start construction this fall. I was also grateful to hear Upshur Pool will be open this summer before construction begins. 

On Tuesday, I joined the Department of Public Works’ (DPW) performance oversight hearing. DPW’s work is some of the most visible in our community, from trash and leaf pickup to parking enforcement. I asked about abandoned vehicles, missed collections, and shortening time between submission of 311 requests and action being taken. I also asked how we can work with DPW to help residents’ trash cans stay intact and avoid the need for frequent replacement.
I’m looking forward to working with DPW to fully fund my CLEAN Collections Act in the FY26 budget, which will also help prevent trash overflow and rodent infestation.

In the afternoon, I asked questions of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and Attorney General Brian Schwalb about work to hold bad actors accountable, including action announced last month against Petra Properties. I also asked what OAG can do to hold contractors accountable for subpar work on our schools and facilities using taxpayer money. Last week, we saw important progress, as OAG filed its first cases under the STEER Act, which prevents out-of-state drivers who rack up thousands of dollars in tickets from continuing to drive on our streets with impunity. I’m looking forward to seeing this work continue in the coming months.

I also joined the Department of Buildings’ (DOB) oversight hearing, where I asked what the agency is doing to better hold landlords accountable when housing infractions go unresolved and bad actors are allowed to continue doing business in the District.

Today, I chaired the oversight hearing for the Department of General Services (DGS) and also asked questions of DC Public Schools leadership during their oversight hearing. Look out for next week’s newsletter where I’ll share some of my takeaways! 

Updates on Ward 4 Facilities Projects

Ahead of today’s oversight hearing for the Department of General Services (DGS), we received these updates on Ward 4 projects I want to make sure neighbors are aware of:

  • Twin Oaks Tool Library: After several delays, DGS confirmed they expect to complete the renovation this summer. The project will include roof replacement, stabilizing the building enclosure, dormers, gutters, and repairing the awning.
  • Lamond playground replacement: The project is currently in the planning phase, with construction expected to start in the fall.
  • Takoma Aquatic Center locker room: Renovations are currently scheduled to begin in late 2025.
  • Riggs-LaSalle Rec Center field lighting: The field will be re-lighted in late spring to early summer 2025.
  • Riggs-LaSalle Rec Center shade structure: The shade structure is expected to be replaced in late spring to early summer 2025.

To see the full list of progress updates on Ward 4 projects, you can read DGS’s full pre-hearing responses here.

Impact of Federal Job Cuts on DC

This week, the DC Council Budget Office released a report on the impact of federal job cuts on the District, which estimated that for every 50,000 federal jobs that are cut annually, approximately 1,600 District residents who are federal employees are affected, and the District’s unemployment rate will increase by roughly 0.4 percentage points.  These cuts could also reduce District revenue by about $4.5 million to $14.5 million in FY 2025. These numbers are deeply concerning and underscore the need to protect funding for essential DC services for residents who are most in need, especially as we approach formulation of the annual DC budget.

As a reminder, with the help of my colleague Councilmember Nadeau, I have compiled this list of resources for employees facing layoffs and firings as a result of recent federal actions. Please continue to reach out and encourage other Ward 4 neighbors to do the same if my office can be of support.

 Community Resources 

PK3-8 Families: Register for DC School Lottery

On Monday, March 3rd applications close for families of students grades PK3-8 for the MySchoolDC Lottery, the school lottery system for families planning to enroll their children in DCPS or PCS schools next year. Visit the MySchoolDC website for more information, and please strongly consider listing our incredible Ward 4 schools in your top choices!

Celebrate Transit and Public Spaces with TranspoBINGO

TranspoBINGO is taking place for the fifth year in a row from February 27th to March 6th as a great way to challenge yourself to use public transit and other forms of transportation, celebrate public spaces, and enhance advocacy. TranspoBINGO cards are now posted on this website. Shoutout to Ward 4 residents Rachel Maisler and Erin Palmer for organizing! 

Mayor Bowser’s FY26 Budget Forums

It’s hard to believe it, but budget season is just around the corner, and at the beginning of April, Mayor Bowser will release her initial budget to the Council for review. Before then, I strongly encourage Ward 4 neighbors to show out for the Mayor’s remaining budget engagement forum to share feedback, ideas, and priorities for the FY26 budget. The final forum will take place on Saturday, March 1st at 11:30am at Kennedy Recreation Center. For more information and to RSVP, visit

AARP Senior Tax Preparation Resources

Hey, Ward 4 seniors! We’re quickly approaching tax season, and DC is offering resources for seniors to get help filing their taxes. As always, AARP offers great resources for seniors to help file their taxes. If you are an individual or family living in DC with income less than $67,000, you can visit one of the following locations to get help filing your taxes from AARP. 

DDOT Notices of Intent

This week, the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) issued several notices of intent (NOI) to begin installing traffic calming measures in several Ward 4 neighborhoods. Below are the locations and work to be done, which particularly concern Manor Park, neighbors. Neighbors now have 10 business days to share feedback with DDOT by emailing Make sure to share these notices with a neighbor!

  • DDOT intends to remove rush hour restrictions of 4pm to 6:30pm on the 5400 block of New Hampshire Ave, converting existing parking on the east curb to full time parking.
  • DDOT intends to install speed hump(s) and associated signs on the 600 block of Nicholson St NW, the 200 block of Madison St NW, the 400 block of Oneida Pl NW, and the 400 block of Rittenhouse St NW. 

Support Celebrate Petworth

Every year, the Celebrate Petworth festival is one of the biggest events in Ward 4 and one of the busiest days for many of our local vendors and small businesses, bringing together hundreds of neighbors for music, food, and celebration. This event is only made possible through the efforts of volunteers and sponsors, particularly the volunteer committee, which leads the organization of the festival. However, over the last few years, the volunteer committee has seen significant turnover, and festival organizers face the difficult decision of needing to potentially scale back the event this coming fall.

In order to continue holding this event in its current form, Celebrate Petworth organizers need support from the community. The event organizers have created a survey for neighbors to express their interest in serving on the volunteer committee, and to seek general feedback from community members on the festival itself. If you’re able to help out and are interested in supporting the event this year, make sure to share your feedback

Leaf Collection Continues in Sections 4B, 4C, and 4D

This week, the Department of Public Works (DPW) began its second pass of leaf collection for neighbors in Sections 4B, 4C, and 4D of the leaf collection map, which include much of Takoma, Lamond-Riggs, Manor Park, Brightwood Park, 16th Street Heights, Crestwood, and Petworth. If you live within these areas and haven’t already, make sure to have your leaves raked to your tree box or curbside to ensure DPW picks them up during their second pass. If you live in one of the neighborhoods that has already received a first pass but have not yet received collection, you can submit a 311 request (my office is happy to help too!). Remember, DPW is sharing regular updates on their progress and completed streets on its leaf collection website.

DPR Summer Camp Lottery

The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Summer Camp lottery is accepting applications until Monday, March 3rd. When completing the lottery application, families can select up to four locations per child per session. 

DC Water Updates

DC Water has shared several updates on work taking place in Ward 4 neighborhoods. Keep in mind that construction activities are highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions. Here are some of this week’s updates, particularly for Manor Park, Brightwood Park, and Chevy Chase neighbors:

  • For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform water service reconnections to individual properties on 8th St and Quintana Pl NW and the 300 and 400 blocks of Hamilton St NW. 
  • As part of the ongoing Piney Branch Sewer Rehabilitation Project, DC Water is scheduled to conduct sewer main lining activities at the following locations for the duration of next week: Illinois Ave from Ingraham St NW to 5218 Illinois Ave NW, Illinois Ave and 9th St NW, Georgia Ave & Kennedy St NW, and Missouri Ave and 5th St NW. 
  • Next Thursday and Friday, DC Water is scheduled to perform supporting construction activities on the 400 block of Kennedy St NW. 
  • For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform roadway restoration work on the 1300 block of Gallatin St NW. 
  • As part of the ongoing Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project in Chevy Chase, DC Water is scheduled to conduct sewer cleaning activities at the following locations for the duration of next week: 3600 – 3700 blocks of McKinley St NW, 5500 – 5600 blocks of Connecticut Ave NW, 5600 block of Chevy Chase Pkwy NW, 5500 – 5600 blocks of Nevada Ave NW, 5500 block of 42nd St NW, and 3900 block of Morrison St NW. 

Fort Stevens Family Line Dance

On Friday, February 28th from 5 to 6:30pm, join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) at Fort Stevens Senior and Recreation Center for a family line dancing event. Parents, children, and teenagers are encouraged to come out and learn the basics of line dancing. RSVP here!

19th Annual Blacks in Wax

Mark your calendars for the 19th Annual Blacks in Wax, presented by The Recreation Wish List Committee in partnership with DC’s DPR’s Southeast Tennis and Learning Center. Find more details and RSVP by March 3rd by visiting DPR’s website.

Petworth Sustainable Fashion District Grand Opening

On Saturday, March 8th from 11am to 7pm, Fia’s Fabulous Finds and Elephant In My Room are joining to host a grand opening event as Petworth’s Sustainable Fashion District. Neighbors are invited to stop by 806 and 834 Upshur St NW to see some of the selections these amazing stores have to offer!

Senior Bingo at Emery Heights

On Thursday, April 3rd from 11am to 2pm, join my office and DPR for an unforgettable day of excitement, games, prizes, DC resources, and the thrill of the win at Bingo games at Emery Heights Community Center! Get your daubers ready and mark your calendars for an evening filled with anticipation and fun! RSVP is required.

For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.

Important Reminders

Office Hours in the Community

Ward 4 office hours are happening every Wednesday afternoon at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.

Ward 4 in the News

Our Ward 4 athletes are having an incredible 2025 so far, and most recently, I was thrilled to see the Coolidge Colts girls’ basketball team win the DCIAA championship, finishing with an 18-0 undefeated record against DCIAA opponents! Congratulations to the entire team on an outstanding season! Shoutout to Coolidge Athletics for this photo of the team!

The Washington Post: Coolidge girls’ basketball wins DCIAA title with a perfect league record

Petworth News: Councilmember’s Corner: Reimagining the Future of Georgia Avenue

WUSA 9: New legislation seeks jury duty exemption for DC residents over 70

Next Stop…Riggs Park: March 6: DPW Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics Disposal, and Document Shredding Event at RFK (Registration Required)

Next Stop…Riggs Park: February 24-March 1: Mayor Bowser FY 2026 Budget Engagement Forum & Budget Priorities Survey

The 51st: Opinion: Service workers face disrespect, harassment, and low pay. D.C.’s restaurant industry needs more unions.

Ward 4 Dispatch: Responding to Threats to Home Rule, Last Three Listen As We Climbs, and Support Celebrate Petworth

These are news articles that mention Ward 4 or pertain to events in our community. Councilmember Lewis George does not write or endorse their content but shares them for community awareness.

It has been shocking and saddening over the last few weeks to see the impact of recent federal actions, not only on our federal workforce, but on our free press and the voices that hold those in power accountable. I was inspired this week by reporter Joy-Ann Reid’s message to viewers on her last show as primetime host at MSNBC. As she said, we cannot give in to despair and hopelessness in the face of these unprecedented challenges. We must continue to speak truth to power, speak out against injustice in all forms, and continue to elevate and empower our communities, no matter the cost.

Wishing you a good weekend, neighbors.

Yours in Community,
