The Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force concluded its work in April 2022 and recommended the following to the DC Council’s Subcommittee on Redistricting:
- DC Office of Planning with Official 2023 AND and SMD Boundaries
- A map with new Ward 4 SMD Boundaries
- A map with new Ward 4 ANC Boundaries
- This accompanying report detailing the Task Force’s recommendations
Key Information and Summary of Recommendations
Redistricting is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to redraw our city’s political boundaries based on the latest census population data. Learn about the work of the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force and the process of reshaping Ward 4’s ANC and SMD boundaries below.
On March 20, the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force voted to approve this map as its recommended new ANC and SMD boundaries for Ward 4. These changes reshape Ward 4 based on the Ward’s population growth in the 2020 Census. The recommended map and this accompanying report were submitted to the DC Council Subcommittee on Redistricting on April 1, 2022. Thank you to every Ward 4 resident who provided input and feedback on reshaping Ward 4’s AND and SMD boundaries!
For more information on the redistricting process citywide, please visit Councilmember Silverman’s website.
Meeting Schedule, Slides, and Recordings
- Sunday, January 23, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: Introductory Meeting. (Presentation | Recording).
- Sunday, January 30, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: Discussion on Census Blocks (Presentation | Recording).
- Sunday, February 6, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: PUBLIC MEETING where community members can weigh in with public testimony (up to 3 minutes). Please RSVP via Zoom by Sunday at 10am to testify (Presentation | Recording).
- Sunday, February 20, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: Task force subcommittees report back on their research (Presentation | Recording).
- Sunday, February 27, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: Proposed discussion maps made public (Presentation | Recording).
- Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 7pm-9pm via Zoom: PUBLIC MEETING where community members can weigh in with public testimony on forthcoming proposed discussion maps from the Task Force. (Recording).
- Sunday, March 13, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: Finalize proposed map boundaries and begin report drafting (Presentation | Recording).
- Sunday, March 20, 2022, 2pm-4pm via Zoom: Draft report discussion (Presentation | Final Amended Recommended Map | Recording).
- Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 7pm-9pm via Zoom: Final vote on proposed map and report to submit to the Council’s Subcommittee on Redistricting (Recording).
Feedback could also be shared with the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force at or by leaving a voicemail with input at 202-642-5714. All messages received were considered by the Task Force and incorporated in the Ward 4 Redistricting report, which accompanies the Task Force’s map recommendations.
Residents could also weigh in with the Task Force during its two public meetings on Sunday, February 6, 2022 from 2pm-4pm or Tuesday, March 8, 2022 from 7pm-9pm.
Task Force Members
- Co-Chair: Julia Howell Barros
- Co-Chair: Carol Joyner
- Abraham Clayman
- Tischa Cockrell
- Janel Forsythe
- Janet Hailes
- Cesse Ip
- Naima Jefferson
- Jennifer Kauffman
- Bobby King
- Roger Limoges
- Vince Micone
- Selerya Moore
- Barbara Rogers
- Tim Tubbs
- James Williams
Thank you to each task force member for volunteering their time to lead this important process.
About Redistricting
Redistricting is a once-in-a-decade process to rebalance our city’s Ward, Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANCs), and Single Member District (SMD) boundaries based on the latest census population data. The rebalancing of these boundaries helps ensure all residents have equitable access to elected representation at every level of government. The DC Council just approved new boundaries at the Ward level (with no changes to Ward 4) and now it is time for our Ward to get to work updating ANC and SMD boundaries.
The work of the redistricting task force will be to affirm or draw new boundaries for each ANC Single Member District (SMD) in the ward, and to decide which SMDs are assigned to which ANC. Every SMD, which is represented by a single Commissioner, should generally have between 1,900 and 2,100 residents. Because Ward 4’s population grew by almost 10,000 residents, Ward 4 will need to expand the number of SMDs. There is no minimum or maximum number of SMDs that must be in an ANC, but most ANCs currently have between five and nine SMDs each. There is also no statutory requirement regarding the geographical or population size of an ANC but it is important for ANCs to be set up to succeed in representing contiguous community or neighborhood interests. I am excited to support our Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force with creating ample opportunities for Ward 4 residents to weigh in on how they think SMD and ANC lines can be updated to best advance the interests and needs of their block, their neighborhood, and the Ward overall.
Appointments to the ward redistricting task forces are at the discretion of each ward councilmember and must “give full consideration to assuring fair representation for all racial and ethnic minorities, women, and geographical areas in his or her ward” when appointing members. Each At-Large Councilmember may also choose to appoint a person to each ward task force. Additionally, all task force members must be residents of the ward.
If you have questions about redistricting, please contact my Legislative Director, Joanna Blotner, at
- 2020 Census
- Current ANC & SMD Map of Ward 4
- Office of Planning Redistricting Resources
- Redistricting Map-Making Tool
- ANC & SMD Data Sets
- Councilmember Silverman Redistricting Homepage