This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
Happy Valentines Day, Ward 4! Here’s everything you need to know heading into Valentine’s and Presidents’ Day Weekend, including updates on city services following this week’s snowstorm, more upcoming listening sessions, and takeaways from agency oversight hearings held on the Council this week.
Community News
More Snow and Ward 4 Volunteer Corps!
Tuesday brought more snow to DC. Temperatures remain cold and some roads are still icy, so make sure to use caution and lend an extra hand to neighbors who may need help. I’ve also gotten several questions from neighbors about when they are responsible for clearing snow around their homes. You can refer to this helpful graphic on which agencies are responsible for clearing snow in different areas.
I also want to give a special thank you to our newly formed Ward 4 volunteer corps! This week, we officially launched our volunteer email listserv and were grateful to neighbors who offered to support neighbors who needed a hand clearing snow. We can always use an extra hand to support our seniors and other community members, including through events in the community like our Listen As We Climb listening sessions and Ward 4 CARE Days. In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more opportunities to get engaged. If you’re interested in lending a hand, email! Thank you to everyone who has joined so far!
Council/Legislative Updates
Conducting Oversight on Heating and Air Quality Issues in DCPS
On Wednesday, we convened a joint oversight roundtable of the Committee on Facilities and Committee of the Whole on Heating and Air Quality Issues in DC Public Schools. During the hearing, we heard from leadership at the Department of General Services (DGS), DCPS, and the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), as well as representatives from schools around DC.
For too long, far too many DC schools — including Roosevelt High School and Whittier Elementary School in Ward 4 — have experienced frequent cold temperatures and poor air quality, not only harming educators’ ability to teach and students’ ability to learn but compromising the safety and wellbeing of our school communities. Wednesday’s roundtable made it clear that DGS and DCPS must prioritize preventative maintenance, especially for older schools nearing modernization. Upcoming capital investments cannot replace the need for immediate attention to keep schools safe and comfortable and prevent further damages from taking place.
It’s also essential the District holds contractors accountable when recently completed work does not meet contractual standards, especially within the agreed-upon warranty period. DGS has put in place new policies that I hope will enable the District government to hold contractors who do sub-quality work to account and prevent loss of taxpayer money.
I’m grateful to DGS, DCPS, and OAG for their productive engagement on this issue, to school community leaders who shared powerful and detailed testimony, and to Chairman Mendelson for his partnership in convening this roundtable. I’m looking forward to working with all agencies and partners to ensure our Ward 4 and DC schools experience fewer heating and air quality issues in the future.
Takeaways from DDOT Performance Oversight Hearing
On Tuesday, the Committee on Transportation and the Environment held its performance oversight hearing for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). This hearing was our opportunity to assess the progress we’ve made over the last year and drill down on concerns we have heard from neighbors about traffic safety and infrastructure projects taking place across the District. Here are a few issues I brought up during Tuesday’s hearing:
- Ongoing Projects in Ward 4: Over the last year, we’ve made important progress on crucial DDOT projects across our community, including the Grant Circle traffic safety redesign, the rehabilitation of Eastern Ave NW, and the Metropolitan Branch Trail. When DDOT conducts work in DC neighborhoods, it is also critical that neighbors are kept in the loop and disruptions are minimized. Community members deserve clear markings around construction zones, traffic controls in place, coordination with residents’ utilities, and reliable updates on the status of work.
- School Crossing Guards: Too many schools in Ward 4 and DC do not have the crossing guards they need. Over the past year, I’ve heard concerns from neighbors about requests for crossing guards being unfulfilled at Barnard Elementary School, Shepherd Elementary School, and Capital City Public Charter School, just to name a few. During Tuesday’s hearing, I asked Director Kershbaum about how DDOT ensures no school is mistakenly left without a crossing guard on any given day and how DDOT currently gives notice to community members when lapses in service occur. I also asked DDOT about its Safe Routes 2025 Action Plan and potential calming measures in several of our school zones, including around LaSalle-Backus and Takoma Elementary School, where neighbors have shared concerns about reckless driving during drop-off and pick-up time.
- Traffic Safety Input: Last summer, DDOT’s Traffic Safety Input (TSI) system was down for several months while existing feedback was processed and selected for prioritization. TSIs are an invaluable tool for neighbors that helps bring issues to DDOT’s awareness and we must ensure they remain accessible so traffic safety problems can continue to be resolved.
- Addressing Speeding and Reckless Driving: Speed is the biggest contributor to crashes, and DDOT has made important steps over the last year to mitigate this issue, including lowering the speed limit on Georgia Ave from 30 mph to 25 mph. However, there are still several locations around Ward 4 where we continue to see reckless driving, like Piney Branch and Sheridan in Brightwood and North Capitol St and Madison St NW in Manor Park. During Tuesday’s hearing, I asked DDOT about traffic calming measures that can be implemented in these areas, and how DDOT and MPD coordinate to address speeding and reckless driving when neighbors share complaints.
Community Resources
Ward 4 Listening Sessions Next Week
This week, it was a pleasure to hold our fifth Ward 4 listening session with the Ward 4 Mini-Commission on Aging. Next Saturday, February 22nd, we will hold two more Listen As We Climb events, for Chevy Chase, Hawthorne, and Barnaby Woods from 10am to 12pm at Knollwood Life Plan Community, and for Lamond, Riggs Park, and South Manor Park from 2 to 4pm at the Lamond Riggs-Lillian J. Huff Library. See the full schedule of listening sessions and RSVP here.

Petworth Porchfest is Set for April 26th!
It’s official — Petworth Porchfest 2025 is set for Saturday, April 26th! One of Ward 4’s best community events of the year offers great local music, local vendors, and plenty of opportunities to be in community together. If you’d like to sign up to perform or host a band on your porch, visit Petworth Porchfest’s website for more information.
Fill Out The Parks at Walter Reed’s 2025 Community Survey
Last year, The Parks at Walter Reed hosted many events for community members, and is now seeking feedback on neighbors’ favorite ones as they prepare for the 2025 season. You can complete the survey here and stay tuned for more details by subscribing to The Parks’ newsletter.
Leaf Collection Continues in Section 4B
Last week, the Department of Public Works (DPW) began its second pass of leaf collection for neighbors in Section 4B of the leaf collection map, which includes 16th Street Heights, Crestwood, and parts of Petworth west of Georgia Ave. If you live within Section 4B and haven’t already, make sure to have your leaves raked to your tree box or curbside to ensure DPW picks them up during their second pass. If you live in one of the neighborhoods that has already received a first pass but have not yet received collection, you can submit a 311 request (my office is happy to help too!). Remember, DPW is sharing regular updates on their progress and completed streets on its leaf collection website.
Whittier Elementary School Book Drive
Whittier Elementary School is currently holding a Valentines Day book drive. If you’d like to donate, you can view the school’s wish list to help put a book in every student’s hand!

DPR Summer Camp Lottery
The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Summer Camp lottery opened today and is accepting applications until March 3rd. When completing the lottery application, families can select up to four locations per child per session. As a reminder, the deadline to apply for reduced rates for summer camp is February 24th.
DC Water Updates
DC Water has shared several updates on work taking place in Ward 4 neighborhoods. Keep in mind that construction activities are highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions. Here are some of this week’s updates, particularly for Manor Park, Brightwood Park, 16th Street Heights, Crestwood, and Chevy Chase neighbors:
- There will be no construction activities performed during the Presidents Day holiday.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform water service reconnections to individual properties on the 300 & 400 Blocks of Kennedy Street NW and Hamilton St NW.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is expecting to perform water service reconnections to individual properties on 8th St NW and Quintana Pl NW.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform daytime work on Illinois Ave from Ingraham St NW to 5218 Illinois Ave NW, on 14th St from Crittenden St NW to Buchanan St NW, and on 5th St and Nicholson St NW.
- Next Tuesday through Thursday, DC Water is expecting to perform water service reconnections to individual properties on the 1300 block of Gallatin Street NW.
- As part of the ongoing Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the Chevy Chase neighborhood, DC Water is scheduled to conduct sewer cleaning activities at the following locations for the duration of next week: 5500 block of 39th St NW, 5400 – 5500 block 42nd St NW, 3400 block Morrison St NW, 3600 – 3800 block Morrison St NW, 5500 block Connecticut Ave NW, 5500 block Chevy Chase Pkwy NW, 5400 block 41st Pl NW, 4100 block Livingston St NW, and 4100 block Legation St NW.
Neighborhood Events
NSO In Your Neighborhood 2025
Starting today until February 19th, the National Symphony Orchestra will collaborate with communities in Ward 4 and Takoma Park, MD to amplify joy, unity, and shared humanity through music and the arts. Partnering with local schools, community spaces, and organizations, NSO will honor the history of our neighborhoods, while also building new connections and relationships. Learn more about the exciting events happening in our Ward 4 community over the next several days and how to attend here.

New Exhibition at Zenith Gallery
For Black History Month in February, Zenith Gallery in Shepherd Park is hosting a new exhibition featuring work from over a dozen acclaimed artists entitled “Hold On, Change is Coming.” The exhibition is open now until March 1st, with the final artist talk on February 22nd at 2pm at Zenith Gallery, 1429 Iris St NW.
Adopt-a-Block Cleanup at Takoma Elementary School
On Sunday, February 16th at 4pm, the Takoma Elementary School PTO and neighbors are hosting an Adopt-a-Block cleanup at Takoma Elementary. Neighbors will clean for the first hour and then gather for food and drinks at El Sabor a Mexico. Supplies and community service hours provided. RSVP is helpful but not required!
Black History Invitational Swim Meet
From February 14th-16th, the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the United Black Fund, Inc. (UBF) are hosting the annual Black History Invitational Swim Meet in honor of Black History Month. The event will take place at Takoma Aquatic Center in Ward 4 and will be open to all swimmers. USA Swimming membership is not required for entry into the meet. Find more details on the event website.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Breakfast for Seniors
On Monday, February 24th from 9 to 11am, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Xi Omega Chapter is hosting a Breakfast for Seniors at Xi Omega Center (4411 14th St NW). Enjoy a heart healthy breakfast and light workout while learning about ways to control risks for heart disease among seniors. Register at
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Important Reminders
Office Hours in the Community
Ward 4 office hours are happening every Wednesday afternoon at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.
Reimagining Georgia Ave
Last month, I announced a new initiative to reimagine strategies to support our Georgia Ave businesses and community spaces and create a thriving Georgia Ave for generations to come. To kick off this process, I’m inviting neighbors to share their feedback on what they envision for the future of Georgia Ave, ways we can support new and existing businesses, and how we can expand opportunities for business owners and neighbors. You can fill out our survey and share your thoughts by visiting
I also announced the formation of a committee to guide our work, the Georgia Ave Revitalization Advisory Group. If you are a neighbor who works in the areas of: Small Business Management, Law, Finance, Banking, Neighborhood Development, Real Estate, Technology, Grants (management and writing), Project Management, Investments, Policy, Budgeting, Fundraising, Human Resources, Facilities Management, Legacy Building, and your willing to lend some time in service to the vision of revitalization and reimaging Georgia Avenue, please reach out to join by contacting my Chief of Staff, Candace Tiana Nelson. Send her an email,, or call, (202) 741-0896.
Ward 4 in the News
Petworth News: Petworth PorchFest returns April 26 — sign up to host or play!
Washingtonian: A Snug Restaurant With a Foraged, Local Menu Opens in Brightwood Park
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Save the Date February 22: Ward 4 CM Janeese Lewis George Listening Tour for Lamond-Riggs
Ward 4 Dispatch: Listen As We Climb Continues, Council Vote on RFK Stadium Land, and Lots of Performance Oversight Hearings
These are news articles that mention Ward 4 or pertain to events in our community. Councilmember Lewis George does not write or endorse their content but shares them for community awareness.
Lastly, as neighbors around DC celebrate Valentine’s Day today, I want to give a special shoutout to our Fort Stevens seniors, who have been making decorative wreaths and artwork to spread warmth and celebrate this week!
Happy Valentines Day, and Happy Presidents Day weekend, neighbors!
Yours in Community,