This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
Our first full week of the new year was a busy one, with lots of snow, time spent in the community, and legislative meetings. In last week’s newsletter, I shared some of my reflections on the work we’ve accomplished together over the past year. Now, I’m excited to share some updates on what we have to come!
Starting at the end of the month, I am kicking off our 2025 Listen As We Climb listening sessions, visiting every Ward 4 neighborhood to hear from neighbors about issues that are top of mind and where they want to see DC government doing better. Make sure to check the schedule below to RSVP to join one of our upcoming sessions in your neighborhood.
I also have important updates to share on our work on the Council, including the approval of the Washington Teachers’ Union’s new collective bargaining agreement and Councilmembers’ new committee assignments for the next two years.
Community News
Snowstorm and DPW Updates
Monday’s snowstorm brought over half a foot of snow to DC, and DPW has been working throughout the week to get to every neighborhood to plow snow and keep our roads clear. Temperatures are still below freezing, so make sure to stay bundled up and look out for neighbors who may be in need of help. When weather like this happens, I’m grateful for all our Ward 4 community members who step up to support neighbors through the snow and cold weather, whether lending a hand with shoveling or helping with transportation. As a reminder, seniors or people with disabilities who need help shoveling and volunteers interested in helping neighbors shovel snow can do so by visiting the DC Volunteer Snow Team’s website.
Due to the snowstorm, trash collection has slid forward this week, meaning residents’ trash has been collected one day after their regular collection day. DPW has also announced that recycling pick-up will be suspended for the rest of this week, and resume on Monday, January 13th. DPW is asking neighbors to hold recycling until next week for collection to resume. Leaf collection has also been paused, and will pick up on Monday, January 13th with a second pass for Section 4B, which includes much of Sixteenth Street Heights, Crestwood, and Petworth west of Georgia Ave.
We may get some more snow this weekend, so be sure to stay updated on the status of DC services and updates on trash and leaf collection from DPW. For help ensuring roads are plowed and with any concerns, you can reach out to our Ward 4 MOCRs Yamileth Escobar ( and Leticia Acosta ( or call DPW directly at 202-673-6833. Seniors and neighbors with disabilities can also contact Serve DC for help with shoveling snow by calling 202-727-7925.
Listen As We Climb 2025
Starting two weeks from today, we are kicking off our fifth annual Listen As We Climb! Over the next few weeks, we will be stopping in every neighborhood around Ward 4 to speak with community members and get input for our work on legislation, government oversight, and the DC budget.
Each year, the feedback we received from Ward 4 residents has led to new legislation and new budget investments on issues like education, abandoned vehicles, clean corridors, small business support, public safety, and more. I also take the concerns I hear from neighbors and raise them directly with agency leaders during Performance Oversight and Budget Oversight Council hearings.
Please sign up to join us at an upcoming event to share your ideas and make your voice heard. All of the dates, times, and locations are listed in the graphic below and on my website. You can also reach out to Barbara Rogers ( with any questions or requests. I look forward to seeing you!

Council News/Legislative Updates
Chairing the Committee on Facilities
The new year marks the beginning of a new Council period, which means Councilmembers have been assigned their committee responsibilities for the next two years. In the new year, I am looking forward to serving as Chair of the Committee on Facilities, with oversight over the Department of General Services, the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), the Department of Disability Services (and related Councils), and joint oversight of the Department of Buildings with the Committee of Whole. Over the last two years, I have been proud of the progress we have made to ensure our schools, parks, and rec centers are safe, comfortable, and operating smoothly, our public facilities are accessible to all members of our community, and DC is meeting our critical green energy goals. I’m particularly looking forward to working more closely with our dedicated DPR staff and members of the community to ensure DC continues to provide reliable, high-quality facilities and programming to our residents.
I’m also proud to be serving as a member of the Committees on Executive Administration and Labor, Transportation and the Environment, and Public Works and Operations to continue the important work we have begun over the last few years. With new committee assignments finalized, we are now looking ahead to agency performance oversight hearings later this month, where community members will have the opportunity to speak about the changes they want to see in the DC government. Stay tuned for more on which hearings are coming up and how to sign up to testify!
Washington Teachers’ Union Contract Approved!
During our first legislative meeting of the year on Tuesday, the Council unanimously voted to approve the Washington Teachers’ Union’s new collective bargaining agreement with DC Public Schools. This new contract solidifies important wage and benefit increases for our educators and will help ensure DC continues to recruit and retain the best teachers. I’m grateful to all our outstanding Ward 4 and DC teachers for all they do to support the next generation of DC leaders and am wishing congratulations to WTU on a well-deserved contract!

Community Resources
Holiday Tree and Greenery Collection
The Department of Public Works is currently collecting live holiday trees until February 28th. Neighbors are asked to remove decorations and place holiday trees at the curb for collection, or drop of holiday trees and greenery Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm at the Guy Mason Recreation Center (3600 Calvert St NW) or the roll off box at 201 Bryant St NW. For more info on holiday tree collection, click here. Also, make sure to check out DPW’s annual holiday waste prevention guide for tips on reducing holiday waste!

Enroll in Coverage for DC Health Link
DC Health Link open enrollment is still open for DC residents! DC Health Link is the District’s online state-based health insurance marketplace with subsidized health care plans and provides health care for thousands of DC residents. Residents can apply until January 31st, 2025, by visiting to explore plans and enroll. Many DC residents are also eligible for Medicaid coverage. Please visit the District Direct website to enroll in Medicaid or submit your Medicaid renewal forms to keep your Medicaid coverage.
Register for DC School Lottery
Applications are now open for the MySchoolDC Lottery, the school lottery system for families planning to enroll their children in DCPS or PCS schools for grades PK3-12 next year. Families will have until February 3rd to submit high school applications and until March 3rd for PK3–Grade 8. Visit the MySchoolDC website for more information, and please strongly consider listing our incredible Ward 4 schools in your top choices!
DC Volunteer Snow Programs
Sign-up is currently open for the DC Volunteer Snow Program, which matches volunteers with senior residents and those with access and functional needs for snow removal services in the aftermath of a winter event. Each winter season, the program’s goal is to ensure that Serve DC Volunteer Snow Team members/volunteers adopt a resident that has submitted a Snow Removal Request. Sign up to help a Ward 4 neighbor this winter by clicking here.
Uptown Farmers Market Food Waste Drop-Off Site Now Open Year-Round!
The food waste drop-off site at the Uptown Farmers Market (5500 Colorado Ave NW) and the UDC Farmers Market (4200 Connecticut Ave NW) are open year-round! To see all food waste drop-off locations and their hours of operation, click here.

DDOT Notices of Intent for Ward 4
This week, the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) issued two notices of intent (NOIs) for Ward 4, to implement residential permit parking on the 3900 block of 5th Street NW and to upgrade roadway improvements on Piney Branch Rd NW & Sheridan St NW. To read more about these NOIs and view all active NOIs for Ward 4, click here.
DC Water Updates
DC Water has shared several updates on work taking place in Ward 4 neighborhoods. Keep in mind that construction activities are highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions. Here are some of this week’s updates, particularly for Brightwood Park, 16th Street Heights, Takoma, Barnaby Woods, and Hawthorne neighbors:
- As part of the Piney Branch Sewer Rehabilitation Project, DC Water is scheduled to perform sewer main lining activities on 3rd St and Tuckerman St NW, and on 14th St and Allison St NW during the day for the duration of next week.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform water service reconnections to individual properties on the 300 and 400 blocks of Kennedy St NW, the 300 and 400 blocks of Hamilton St NW, and the 1300 block of Gallatin St NW.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform roadway restoration work on the 1300 block of Hamilton St NW.
- Next Tuesday through Friday, DC Water is scheduled to perform pressure testing of a newly installed water main on Greenvale St NW.
Neighborhood Events
DC Wave Swim Meet at Takoma Aquatic Center
On Saturday, January 11th and Sunday, January 12th, DPR and the DC Wave Swim Team are hosting an all-day USA Swimming sanctioned swim meet at the Takoma Aquatic Center (300 Van Buren St NW). Participants must be USA Swimming registered members with a team to enter the competition. Find more details here.
MLK Day of Service at Lafayette-Pointer
On Monday, January 20th from 9am to 12pm, join Chevy Chase residents, friends, and neighbors for a day of service hosted by the Friends of Lafayette-Pointer Park. Neighbors will liberate trees and flower beds from invasive vines and put wood chips on eroded areas to replenish the soil. Come when you can for as long as you wish! For any questions, reach out to Louise Lief at
Fort Stevens Family Line Dance
On Friday, January 24th from 5 to 6:30pm, DPR is hosting a family line dancing event at the Fort Stevens Rec Center (1327 Van Buren St NW). Come out for an evening of music and family fun — all ages and skill levels are welcome!
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Important Reminders
Office Hours in the Community
Ward 4 office hours are back in the new year, happening every Wednesday afternoon at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.
Ward 4 in the News
On December 27th, the Roosevelt High School varsity boys’ basketball team took down Triton High School in a holiday tournament in North Carolina, marking the 450th win for Coach Rob Nickens in his 20th year coaching the team. Congratulations to Coach Nickens and our Roosevelt Roughriders on an amazing accomplishment and a great season so far!
The Washington Post: Theodore Roosevelt coach reaches 450 wins; Bishop McNamara boys make a change
Chevy Chase News & Notes: January 2025 Edition
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Riggs Crossing December 2024 Construction Update
The Washington Informer: The Collins Council Report: A Snowy Start to Council Period 26
The Washington Informer: Coolidge Wins Annual Battle vs. Rival Theodore Roosevelt
These are news articles that mention Ward 4 or pertain to events in our community. Councilmember Lewis George does not write or endorse their content but shares them for community awareness.
Over the past week, we have seen wildfires spread throughout southern California, impacting thousands of residents and causing many to evacuate and lose their homes. I’m thankful for the work of heroic firefighters and first responders, and my prayers go out to everybody who has been impacted. If you’re looking for ways to offer support to those who have been impacted by these catastrophic wildfires, click here.
On Wednesday, I attended ANC 4C’s first meeting of the new year and had the opportunity to speak with neighbors and new and returning commissioners about a range of issues, including traffic and public safety, services for seniors, and ways to support our small businesses. Our ANCs are invaluable leaders in our community, and I’m looking forward to working with all our commissioners to deliver for our Ward 4 community.
Have a nice weekend and stay warm, neighbors!
Yours in Community,