This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
My newsletter this week shares many ways neighbors can make their voices heard: performance oversight hearings, community listening sessions in Ward 4, and the opportunity to run for ANC in Brightwood and Takoma.
I also update our community on updates from the Department of Public Works (DPW) following last week’s snowstorm, and my meetings with ANC commissioners for their first meetings of the new year over the last two weeks. I hope you find this useful!
Council/Legislative Updates
Make Your Voice Heard at a Performance Oversight Hearing
Strong civic engagement is essential for a healthy democracy. In a few days, the Council will begin its performance oversight hearings for each DC agency. This is our opportunity to drill down on what each agency can do in order to better serve our communities. In DC, any resident has the opportunity to come before the Council to testify about what they want to see from their government — with agency leadership listening in. I am strongly encouraging neighbors to sign up to speak at a performance oversight hearing (or a future budget hearing in the spring) about the issues that are impacting our community.
Do you believe leaf collection or similar services need to be improved? Speak at the hearing with DPW. Are you concerned about cuts at Ward 4 rec centers? Come to the performance oversight hearing for DPR. Are you frustrated by the maintenance of our schools? Testify at our hearing with DGS, which I will be chairing. Do you want our public safety agencies to do more to improve community safety? Every agency involved in addressing crime and crime violence has a hearing where you can make your voice heard. I will be participating in as many performance oversight hearings as possible to advocate for our community and double down on the issues that Ward 4 residents bring to these hearings.
To make the process simpler for residents, I highlighted some key performance oversight hearings in the graphic above. You can find a full schedule of hearings and instructions for signing up to testify on the Council website. Because Council Committees were reshaped this year, some Committees are still updating their sign-up process for hearings. If you have any challenges finding the right hearing or signing up to testify, please email me or my team for support. I’m looking forward to hearing from neighbors and showing up strong for Ward 4!

Community News
DPW Collections Updates
After last week’s snowstorm, DPW is still working to make sure all streets are clear of snow and ice. Trash collection picked back up on its regular schedule this week after sliding forward last Monday, and recycling has resumed as well. If your street is still in need of service after the snowstorm, you can reach out to our Ward 4 MOCRs Yamileth Escobar ( and Leticia Acosta ( or call DPW directly at 202-673-6833.
DPW’s leaf collection work will remain suspended as long as snow and ice remain on the ground. Once collection begins again, neighbors in Section 4B will be the first to receive a second pass, including neighbors in much of 16th Street Heights, Crestwood, and Petworth west of Georgia Ave. I will share more updates as they become available!
Listen As We Climb in Petworth & Brightwood Park
Our fifth annual Listen As We Climb kicks off next Friday evening with our first listening session for Petworth and Brightwood Park happening at Roosevelt High School. Every year, conversations we have with neighbors at our Ward 4 listening sessions help shape the work we do on legislation, oversight, and the DC budget, and I’m looking forward to hearing more from community members in the coming weeks.
Please sign up to join us at an upcoming event to share your ideas and make your voice heard. All of the dates, times, and locations are listed in the graphic below and on my website. You can also reach out to Barbara Rogers ( with any questions or requests. I look forward to seeing you!
Correction: In last week’s Ward 4 Dispatch, the Ward 4 Mini-Commission on Aging Listen As We Climb was listed as taking place on Saturday, February 15th from 10am to 12pm. The listening session will actually take place on Thursday, February 13th from 10am to 12pm.

Run for ANC in 4A and 4B
If you are a Brightwood or Takoma resident and have been thinking about how to serve our community, a great option could be running to serve as the ANC Commissioner for your neighborhood! There are currently four vacant seats in Single Member Districts 4A05, 4A06, 4A07, and 4B04. Residents of these SMDs can collect signatures until February 3rd to run for ANC.
ANC Commissioners are nonpartisan, part-time volunteer elected officials who represent the interests of their immediate neighborhood (approximately 2,000 residents) on issues ranging from development, public safety, traffic changes, and much more. One of my greatest privileges of being Ward 4 Councilmember is working closely with our extraordinary ANC Commissioners in service to our community. We need more of these civic heroes!
Petitions to run for ANC can be picked up from the Board of Elections (1015 Half Street, SE, Suite 750) and submitted back to the Board of Elections with at least 25 valid signatures from registered voters in your Single Member District (SMD). Please consider running or encouraging a neighbor who you believe would do a great job. You can learn more about the process for filling an ANC vacancy by clicking here.
Preparing for the Presidential Inauguration
On Monday, the 60th Presidential Inauguration will take place in DC, with events happening all day. While the events of the inauguration have been moved indoors due to the cold and will take place downtown, I’m sharing a few updates on District services and closures, so Ward 4 neighbors know what to expect:
- Emergency No Parking has already begun downtown and will continue through Wednesday, January 22nd at 6am.
- Most of downtown will be closed to traffic starting at 6am on Sunday, January 19th to 6am on Tuesday, January 21st.
- Five downtown Metro stations, including Archives and Mt. Vernon Square on the Green Line, will be closed from 8pm on Sunday to 5am on Tuesday, and 41 Metrobus routes will be detoured around Downtown.
- For more information on city closures and other impacts due to the inauguration, visit
- Sign up to receive real-time alerts on severe weather, public safety, traffic impacts and more by texting DCINAUG to 888-777.
Community Resources
DC Water Updates
DC Water has shared several updates on work taking place in Ward 4 neighborhoods. Keep in mind that construction activities are highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions. Here are some of this week’s updates, particularly for Manor Park and Chevy Chase neighbors:
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to complete sewer main lining activities during the daytime on Peabody St and 2nd St NW.
- As part of its Capital Improvement Program, DC Water is beginning a sanitary sewer rehabilitation project in Chevy Chase, including the streets highlighted on the map below. The purpose of the project is to improve the structural integrity of the sewer, extend its service life, and mitigate potential sewer overflows. The work is estimated to begin this month and be completed in July 2026, taking place during normal work hours. You can find more information about the project here and reach out to with any questions.

Upshur Park Community Meeting
On Wednesday, January 22nd from 6 to 7:30pm, the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of General Services are holding a community meeting to discuss the upcoming modernization of Upshur Park. The meeting will take place at the Petworth Library, 4200 Kansas Ave NW. For more information on the project and to RSVP, click here.

District E-Bike Incentive Program
The DC Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) E-Bike Incentive Program is returning this year to help residents buy electric bicycles and support bicycle businesses in the District. The application window will be open Saturday, February 1st, through Friday, February 21st, 2025. DDOT will use a lottery system to select applicants to receive a voucher for an E-Bike. Find more information on what you need to apply here.
Share Feedback on WMATA’s FY26 Budget
The public comment period on WMATA’s proposed Fiscal Year 2026 budget has begun! Community members are encouraged to take WMATA’s survey or visit to share feedback and written comments by Monday, February 10th. Neighbors can also share feedback during one of WMATA’s budget open house events on Tuesday, February 4th at 6pm at Metro’s L’Enfant Plaza Headquarters (on the Green Line) or virtually on Tuesday, February 4th at 12pm. Find more details on the budget and opportunities to share feedback here.
Donate Children’s Books for Petworth Peanuts Book Exchange
Petworth Peanuts is currently collecting kids books (all ages/stages) on 15+ porches throughout the neighborhood for the Peanuts Book Exchange. The Book Exchange will take place on February 2nd from 2 to 5pm at Hook Hall (3400 Georgia Ave) with surplus books donated to Petworth Library and Turning the Page. Check out the map of locations to drop off books by January 31st.
Pearl and Ivy Educational Foundation Scholarships
The Pearl and Ivy Educational Foundation is currently accepting applications for college scholarships for graduating DC high school students. In order to apply, you must be a DC resident, current DCPS or PCS high school student, a graduating college-bound senior, and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Apply by February 24th at 11:59pm and find more details here.

Neighborhood Events
New Exhibition at Zenith Gallery
Ahead of Black History Month in February, Zenith Gallery in Shepherd Park is hosting a new exhibition featuring work from over a dozen acclaimed artists entitled “Hold On, Change is Coming.” The exhibition is open now until March 1st, with Meet the Artist receptions tonight from 4 to 8pm and tomorrow, January 18th from 2 to 6pm at Zenith Gallery, 1429 Iris St NW.
Fort Stevens Family Line Dance
On Friday, January 24th from 5 to 6:30pm, DPR is hosting a family line dancing event at the Fort Stevens Rec Center (1327 Van Buren St NW). Come out for an evening of music and family fun — all ages and skill levels are welcome!
Senior Fest at Ft. Stevens
On Saturday, January 25th from 10am to 2pm, I am joining with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority to host a senior event at the Ft. Stevens Rec Center, complete with games, line dancing, door prizes, and giveaways. Hope to see our Ward 4 seniors there!

Postponed: MLK Day of Service at Lafayette-Pointer
Friends of Lafayette-Pointer Park’s MLK Jr. Day of Service has been postponed due to cold weather expected on Monday. During the event, neighbors will liberate trees and flower beds from invasive vines and put wood chips on eroded areas to replenish the soil. Come when you can for as long as you wish! Stay tuned for more information on the new event date. For any questions, reach out to Louise Lief at
For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Important Reminders
Office Hours in the Community
Ward 4 office hours are back in the new year, happening every Wednesday afternoon at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.
Enroll in Coverage for DC Health Link
DC Health Link open enrollment is still open for DC residents! DC Health Link is the District’s online state-based health insurance marketplace with subsidized health care plans and provides health care for thousands of DC residents. Residents can apply until January 31st, 2025, by visiting to explore plans and enroll. Many DC residents are also eligible for Medicaid coverage. Please visit the District Direct website to enroll in Medicaid or submit your Medicaid renewal forms to keep your Medicaid coverage.
Register for DC School Lottery
Applications are now open for the MySchoolDC Lottery, the school lottery system for families planning to enroll their children in DCPS or PCS schools for grades PK3-12 next year. Families will have until February 3rd to submit high school applications and until March 3rd for PK3–Grade 8. Visit the MySchoolDC website for more information, and please strongly consider listing our incredible Ward 4 schools in your top choices!
Ward 4 in the News
The Washington Post: Coolidge girls’ basketball, dominating the DCIAA, chases a meaningful title
PoPville: “Loyalty Books Petworth is Moving in February! Fia’s Fabulous Finds will be expanding into our current location this March!”
Source of the Spring: J&J Mex-Taqueria Continues Growth with Commas Food Hall Location Coming Soon
Sports Illustrated: Top 10 Washington D.C. Girls High School Basketball Rankings
The 51st: Everything you need to know about clearing snow (or not) in D.C.
These are news articles that mention Ward 4 or pertain to events in our community. Councilmember Lewis George does not write or endorse their content but shares them for community awareness.
As we get ready for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, I’m reflecting on the legacy Dr. King left behind through his words and actions. MLK Day calls on all of us to reflect on the enduring injustices that exist in our society and commit to being agents of change in all the communities we are a part of. As Dr. King teaches us, our lives begin to end when we become silent about things that matter.
On Monday and throughout the weekend, groups around DC will be organizing days of service to honor the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. If you’re able, be sure to take part in some of the events happening in Ward 4 and around the District.
Have a wonderful MLK weekend, neighbors!
Yours in Community,