This Week’s Highlights
Dear Neighbors,
This was another busy week on the Council and in the community! On Friday, I chaired a performance oversight hearing for the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), and today, we heard from members of the community on the Department of General Services (DGS). I’m also sharing updates on opportunities to support some of our annual community events including Petworth Porchfest and Celebrate Petworth. I hope you find this helpful!
Community News
Responding to Threats to DC Home Rule
Over the last month, I have received messages nearly every day from our federal public servants who have lost their jobs, from parents and students afraid of ICE showing up to our schools and places of worship, and from countless District residents worried about the future of DC’s right to self-governance. This week, the District faced new threats from the federal government targeted at DC Home Rule. DC should not have to fight for the rights that Americans in every single state are guaranteed, yet year after year, our city faces challenges like these and their potential impact on everything from our schools to our day-to-day government services.
DC is a leader in building new affordable housing, has passed nearly 30 consecutive balanced budgets, and contributes more than any other state per capita in tax dollars paid to the federal government. The message we have sent over the last five decades of Home Rule government is clear: a government run by the people of DC, for the people of DC delivers the best results for our citizens and the millions who visit our city each year. While the statements we heard this week are disappointing and deeply concerning, the message remains clear. Until our over 700,000 residents are afforded the basic rights of our fellow citizens, we will continue to be reminded that none of these hard-fought gains are guaranteed.
We are fighting this fight as a community, and I want to do all I can to be a resource to neighbors. As many continue be impacted by actions on the federal level, I encourage residents to refer to these lists of resources for employees seeking to understand and protect their rights, and for immigrant neighbors in fear of being targeted, compiled with the help of my colleague, Councilmember Brianne Nadeau.
Share Feedback and Support Celebrate Petworth
Every year, the Celebrate Petworth festival is one of the biggest events in Ward 4 and one of the busiest days for many of our local vendors and small businesses, bringing together hundreds of neighbors for music, food, and celebration. This event is only made possible through the efforts of volunteers and sponsors, particularly the volunteer committee, which leads the organization of the festival. However, over the last few years, the volunteer committee has seen significant turnover, and festival organizers face the difficult decision of needing to potentially scale back the event this coming fall.
In order to continue holding this event in its current form, Celebrate Petworth organizers need support from the community. The event organizers have created a survey for neighbors to express their interest in serving on the volunteer committee, and to seek general feedback from community members on the festival itself. If you’re able to help out and are interested in supporting the event this year, make sure to share your feedback.

Final Three Listen As We Climb Events
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been so excited to hear from neighbors and commissioners alike to help shape my priorities for the year. We’re nearing the end of our 2025 Listen As We Climb tour, with only three events left to go. On Saturday from 10am to 12pm, we will be holding a listening session for Chevy Chase, Hawthorne, and Barnaby Woods neighbors at Knollwood Life Plan Community (6200 Oregon Ave NW), and Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm, we will be at Lamond Riggs-Lillian J. Huff Library for our listening session for Lamond, Riggs Park, and South Manor. Then, we will hold a final virtual listening session via Zoom for all community members on Wednesday, February 26th from 6:30 to 8:30pm. I look forward to seeing neighbors there to hear what you’d like to see more reflected in my work on the Council and in the community!
Sidewalk Gap Construction
This week, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) notified neighbors of sidewalk gap improvement work taking place in several locations across Ward 4. Over the next several weeks, DDOT will begin preparing sidewalk design plans, which will be sent to neighbors for review, after which you will have 30 days to comment. If you have any questions about this work, contact Karyn McAlister at or by phone at 202-285-7791. You can also visit the Sidewalk Gap Program website for more information. Here are the locations where this work will be taking place, and which side of the street it will take place on:
- 17th St NW from Juniper St to Holly St (Odd side)
- 32nd Pl NW from Tennyson St to Stephenson Pl (Even side)
- 3rd St NE from Peabody St to Oglethorpe St (Even side)
- Eastern Ave NW from Northgate Rd to Portal Dr (Even side)
- Highland Ave NW from 8th St to 9th St (Even side)
- Juniper St NW from 17th St to 1623 Juniper St (Odd side)
- Kalmia Rd NW from 17th St to the Lowell School driveway (Even side)
- North Portal Dr NW from 16th St to Birch Dr (Odd side)
- Portal Dr NW from 16th St to 1700 Portal Dr (Even side)
- Stephenson Pl NW from 32nd Pl to 33rd St (Odd side)
- Willow St NW from Aspen St to 6914 Willow St (Even side)
Community Resources
Petworth Porchfest is Set for April 26th!
It’s official — Petworth Porchfest 2025 is set for Saturday, April 26th! One of Ward 4’s best community events of the year offers great local music, local vendors, and plenty of opportunities to be in community together. If you’d like to sign up to perform or host a band on your porch, visit Petworth Porchfest’s website for more information.

Upcoming Community Roll-Off Day
On Saturday, February 22nd at 10am, the Mayor’s Office of the Clean City and the Department of Energy and Environment will be holding a roll off day at McFarland Middle School for community members to dispose of bulk trash and other waste. Community members will also be able to drop off and properly dispose of covered electronic equipment, including TVs and computers. Learn more here.
Mayor Bowser 2025 Budget Engagement Forums
It’s hard to believe it, but budget season is just around the corner, and at the beginning of April, Mayor Bowser will release her initial budget to the Council for review. Before then, I strongly encourage Ward 4 neighbors to show out for the Mayor’s budget engagement forums in neighborhoods around DC to share feedback, ideas, and priorities for the FY26 budget. Forums will take place virtually on Monday, February 24th at 11am (seniors can call in at 844-881-1314), and in person on Thursday, February 27th at 5:30pm at Rosedale Recreation Center, and on Saturday, March 1st at 11:30am at Kennedy Recreation Center. For more information and to RSVP, visit

Leaf Collection Continues in Sections 4C and 4D
This week, the Department of Public Works (DPW) began its second pass of leaf collection for neighbors in Sections 4C and 4D of the leaf collection map, which include much of Takoma, Lamond-Riggs, Manor Park, Brightwood Park, and parts of Petworth east of Georgia Ave. If you live within Sections 4C or 4D and haven’t already, make sure to have your leaves raked to your tree box or curbside to ensure DPW picks them up during their second pass. If you live in one of the neighborhoods that has already received a first pass but have not yet received collection, you can submit a 311 request (my office is happy to help too!). Remember, DPW is sharing regular updates on their progress and completed streets on its leaf collection website.
DPR Summer Camp Lottery
The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Summer Camp lottery is accepting applications until March 3rd. When completing the lottery application, families can select up to four locations per child per session. As a reminder, the deadline to apply for reduced rates for summer camp is February 24th.
DC Water Updates
DC Water has shared several updates on work taking place in Ward 4 neighborhoods. Keep in mind that construction activities are highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions. Here are some of this week’s updates, particularly for Manor Park, Brightwood Park, Chevy Chase, and Crestwood neighbors.
- As part of the ongoing Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, DC Water is scheduled to conduct sewer cleaning activities at the following locations for the duration of next week: 3700 block of Northampton St NW, 3600 – 3700 blocks of McKinley St NW, 3700 block of Connecticut Ave NW, 5500 – 5600 blocks of Connecticut Ave NW, 5600 block of Chevy Chase Pkwy NW, 5500 – 5600 blocks of Nevada Ave NW, 5500 block of 42nd St NW, and 3900 block of Morrison St NW.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform roadway restoration work on Shepherd St from Crestwood Dr to 17th St NW.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform tie-ins of newly installed water mains and water service reconnections on the 400 block of Kennedy St NW, the 300 and 400 blocks of Hamilton St NW, and at 3rd and Hamilton St NW.
- For the duration of next week, DC Water is scheduled to perform water service reconnections to individual properties on 8th St and Quintana Pl NW.
- As part of the ongoing Piney Branch Sewer Rehabilitation Project, DC Water is scheduled to conduct sewer main lining activities at the following locations for the duration of next week: Illinois Ave from Kennedy St NW to Jefferson St NW, Illinois Ave from Ingraham St NW to 5218 Illinois Ave NW, and Decatur St from 8th St to 9th St NW
Neighborhood Events
Empowering Youth Football Coaches: Building Skills for Success
On Saturday, February 22nd from 11am to 2pm, the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is hosting an event aimed at helping youth football coaches expand their coaching skills and knowledge. The event will take place at Takoma Community Center (300 Van Buren St NW). RSVP here.
CBENA Neighborhood Block Clean-Up
On Sunday, February 23rd at 11am, the Carter Barron East Neighborhood Association is hosting a neighborhood block clean-up on the 5200-5400 blocks of Colorado Ave. Neighbors will focus on cleaning the street and alley and then join for a casual hangout at Moreland’s Tavern – a great chance to connect with fellow neighbors! If you plan to participate in the cleanup, please sign up to help provide an estimate of the gloves, trash pickers and bags that will be needed.

DC Senior Games Pre-Registration Campaign
On Monday, February 24th from 9am to 9pm, the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is hosting a launch event at Fort Stevens Senior Center (1327 Van Buren St NW) for seniors to sign up for Senior Games taking place in September 2025. Seniors will get an invitation to take part in Senior Spring Sport Clinics, take part in the opening and closing ceremonies and more. RSVP here.
Fort Stevens Family Line Dance
On Friday, February 28th from 5 to 6:30pm, join the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) at Fort Stevens Senior and Recreation Center for a family line dancing event. Parents, children, and teenagers are encouraged to come out and learn the basics of line dancing. RSVP here!
Alpha Kappa Alpha Breakfast for Seniors
On Monday, February 24th from 9 to 11am, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Xi Omega Chapter is hosting a Breakfast for Seniors at Xi Omega Center (4411 14th St NW). Enjoy a heart healthy breakfast and light workout while learning about ways to control risks for heart disease among seniors. Register at

For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.
Office Hours in the Community
Ward 4 office hours are happening every Wednesday afternoon at Fort Stevens Rec Center from 12 to 1pm, followed by office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center from 1:30 to 2:30pm. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.
Fill out The Parks at Walter Reed’s 2025 Community Survey
Last year, The Parks at Walter Reed hosted many events for community members and is now seeking feedback on neighbors’ favorite ones as they prepare for the 2025 season. You can complete the survey here and stay tuned for more details by subscribing to The Parks’ newsletter.
Reimagining Georgia Ave
Last month, I announced a new initiative to reimagine strategies to support our Georgia Ave businesses and community spaces and create a thriving Georgia Ave for generations to come. To kick off this process, I’m inviting neighbors to share their feedback on what they envision for the future of Georgia Ave, ways we can support new and existing businesses, and how we can expand opportunities for business owners and neighbors. You can fill out our survey and share your thoughts by visiting
I also announced the formation of a committee to guide our work, the Georgia Ave Revitalization Advisory Group. If you are a neighbor who works in the areas of: Small Business Management, Law, Finance, Banking, Neighborhood Development, Real Estate, Technology, Grants (management and writing), Project Management, Investments, Policy, Budgeting, Fundraising, Human Resources, Facilities Management, Legacy Building, and your willing to lend some time in service to the vision of revitalization and reimaging Georgia Avenue, please reach out to join by contacting my Chief of Staff, Candace Tiana Nelson. Send her an email,, or call, (202) 741-0896.
Ward 4 in the News
The Washington Informer: Collins Council Report: Contracts, Oversight, and an Upcoming Special Election
Petworth News: Petworth PorchFest returns April 26 — sign up to host or play!
Petworth News: Take an important survey about the future of the Celebrate Petworth Festival
Next Stop…Riggs Park: Reminder-February 22: Ward 4 CM Janeese Lewis George Listening Session for Lamond-Riggs
Next Stop…Riggs Park: February 24: ANC 4B Public Meeting (Virtual)
Ward 4 Dispatch: Committee on Facilities Oversight Hearings, More Snow, and Presidents Day
These are news articles that mention Ward 4 or pertain to events in our community. Councilmember Lewis George does not write or endorse their content but shares them for community awareness.
This past week, our community was lucky to host several National Symphony Orchestra “In Your Neighborhood” events, bringing the beautiful music of some of our nation’s most talented musicians right into Ward 4. I was overjoyed to be able to attend on Monday night at Raymond Rec Center, where the orchestra spotlighted the work of Black composers and musicians for Black History Month. Thank you to every neighbor who joined and supported this incredible community event!
Wishing you a great weekend, Ward 4!
Yours in Community,