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Ward 4 Dispatch: Better Bus Network Feedback, School Readiness Tours, and Tenant Resource Fair

This Week’s Highlights 

Dear Neighbors,

This week was another busy one for our work on the Council and in the community. I continued rolling through facility tours, visiting DCPS schools in Wards 2, 5, and 7, as well as three schools in Ward 4. We’re also preparing for the comment period to close for WMATA’s new bus network plan, and making sure residents have what they need to submit feedback by Monday.

On Tuesday, we held our final legislative meeting before Council recess, where we passed a bill honoring one of Ward 4’s most dedicated public servants. On Thursday, I was grateful to see the Attorney General introduce legislation that would be incredibly impactful in protecting Ward 4 tenants from gun violence and unsafe living conditions. Finally, we held a public roundtable to give residents the opportunity to share concerns about DPR’s community engagement. Council recess begins on Monday, July 15th. For more information about what our day-to-day office operations will look like and what we’ll be doing in the community during this time, see below.

There are also some great community events happening this weekend, including the commemoration for the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Fort Stevens, music and art events throughout the community, upcoming movie nights, and a tenant resource fair on Sunday!

 Community News

DCPS Facility Tours

This week, we continued our tours of DCPS schools, visiting an additional 6 schools across DC to assess readiness for students to resume classes in just a few short months. In addition to schools in Wards 2, 5, and 7, I was glad to visit three of our Ward 4 schools on Thursday, including MacFarland Middle School, Brightwood Education Campus, and LaSalle-Backus Elementary School.

During these tours, we reviewed outstanding work orders and concerns from constituents to make sure the following key categories are met by the agencies that maintain our school buildings:

  • Security: Exterior doors close and lock properly, CCTV cameras are operable, PA systems reach the full campus, and alarm systems work.
  • HVAC: A/C and heat work and when broken, replacements (like window A/C units) are readily available.
  • Windows, Roof, and Floors: Windows are intact and open and close, roof is leak-free, floors and walls are mold-free, and old or stained carpets have been removed.
  • Plumbing: Toilets, sinks, and water fountains work properly, and bathrooms can be secured.
  • ADA compliance: Elevators work properly and people with disabilities can access the full campus.
  • Pest control: Schools are free of rodents, and interior and exterior spaces are regularly treated for pests.
  • Electrical: Interior and exterior building lights and exit signs work properly.
  • Work Order Management: Staff are trained in Salesforce, receive notification emails, and properly manage pending work orders.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be compiling my findings and recommendations into a letter to DGS and the DCPS Chancellor, which will include patterns I’ve noticed across schools and individual problems that weren’t identified by agencies but need to be fixed. As we approach the start of the school year, we’ll follow up to make sure urgent repairs have been addressed, while moving forward with a plan to tackle remaining systemic issues.

Sharing Feedback on WMATA’s Bus Network Plan

Monday, July 15th at 5pm is the deadline for community members to share feedback with WMATA on the Better Bus Network Proposal. Over the course of the public comment process, I’ve heard from many community members, who have all shared their unique experiences and the impact these changes would have on their access to transit. On Monday, I will send a letter to the WMATA Board of Directors, which summarizes these conversations and lays out what needs to be changed in order to make this plan work for Ward 4 bus riders. A draft version of the letter is available for community input. I encourage all Ward 4 residents to look through the letter and reach out to and provide feedback. To provide your own feedback directly to WMATA, click here. In case you’re not familiar with the plan, take a look at WMATA’s proposed changes and cuts organized by current route, and see the full list of new routes, including maps of each route. If you are having any issues navigating the Better Bus Network website, reach out to

Council News/Legislative Updates

Legislation to Keep Tenants Safe

On Thursday, I was grateful to see DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb introduce the Secure Apartments for Everyone (SAFE) Act, aimed at improving safety for tenants throughout DC.

Here’s what the bill does:

  • Expands the Nuisance Abatement Act, strengthening OAG’s ability to take action against properties where residents are committing crimes and endangering their neighbors;
  • Requires the Department of Buildings to conduct a security assessment for properties with repeated safety violations;
  • Following a security assessment, requires DOB to report recommendations to improve safety at the property, sharing recommendations with ANCs and tenant associations;
  • Clarifies the Nuisance Abatement Act to better hold landlords who maintain nuisance properties accountable when issues go unresolved;
  • Requires all rental properties with 5 or more units to maintain self-closing and self-locking exterior doors and adhere to minimum standards for exterior lighting.

These issues have been of the utmost concern for Ward 4, particularly at Petra properties in Brightwood, 16th Street Heights, and Petworth, where tenants have been impacted by broken doors and lack of on-site security, complaints that have been largely ignored by management. I’m grateful to Attorney General Schwalb for listening to Ward 4 residents and taking legislative action to improve tenant safety and look forward to partnering with OAG to push this legislation forward.

DPR Community Engagement Concerns

On Wednesday, the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs held a public roundtable about the Department of Parks and Recreation’s engagement with the community. The discussion stemmed from residents’ frustration about not being adequately consulted, if at all, before DPR makes decisions, and their requests for information going long unanswered by DPR. This was felt most recently with the closure of Roosevelt Pool, as well as intermittent delays and service gaps experienced at pools and splash parks around Ward 4.

While it’s clear DPR needs to implement clearer communication protocols that proactively involve residents in their decision making, it’s also evident there are issues with internal communication at DPR, where problems like lack of staffing are not adequately communicated within the agency. These problems can only be resolved if DPR is aware of the scope of the issues occurring in their pools, parks, and rec centers.

I’m also concerned about the impact on programs DPR runs in the community. During the roundtable, I voiced concerns about organizational issues within Roving Leaders, an invaluable program that lifts up our young people and helps them build positive relationships with peers. Many of our young people also have their first employment experiences with DPR at pools, splash parks, and rec centers around DC, experiences that should be positive and stress-free.

As Ward 4’s representative on the Council, I’m committed to doing the oversight work needed to address community members’ concerns about DPR, and as we approach performance oversight hearings at the beginning of next year, this is an issue I’ll be closely monitoring. While oversight is our primary tool as Councilmembers, it’s also clear there need to be improvements initiated from within the agency so community members can be engaged on ongoing projects and notified when issues arise. Thanks to Councilmember Trayon White and the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs for holding this week’s meeting, and for their partnership in this work.

Honoring Ron Austin

During Tuesday’s legislative meeting, the Council approved my bill to officially designate the North Dakota Ave Triangle Park as Ron Austin Memorial Park in honor of Ron Austin, a beloved public servant and Manor Park community member who passed away in 2018.

Ron’s impact on the Manor Park and Ward 4 community was widespread. He served as President of the South Manor Neighborhood Association, as an ANC Commissioner and Chair in both ANC 4B06 and 4B07, and served the District for 24 years as a staff member for Councilmembers and two different Mayors. After retiring from government, Ron created Helping Hands Community Services to help DC residents in need. Hearing those who knew Ron best during committee consideration of this bill was a testament to how beloved Ron was in our community, and his devotion to improving the lives of his neighbors.

This designation would not have been possible without the efforts of community leaders, especially ANC 4B Commissioners Tiffani Johnson and Allison Brooks. I’m grateful to Commissioners Johnson and Brooks, and everyone involved in pushing this legislation forward. Now that the bill is passed, stay tuned for more on the official park designation ceremony!

Community Resources

Ward 4 Council Office Summer Recess Hours

Now that the Council is in recess, our team is taking extra time to plan for next year, draft new legislation, implement new programs funded in the budget, and be in our community over the summer months. Our office will remain open remotely on Mondays, and in-person Tuesdays – Thursdays from 10am to 4pm. We will be closed on Fridays, but a staff member or myself will be on call to monitor for urgent requests. We will continue supporting Ward 4 residents with constituent services requests, agency oversight, legislative needs, and getting issues over the finish line all summer long.

ANC 4B Tenant Resource Fair

On Sunday, July 14th from 11am to 2pm, ANCs 4B and 1A will hold their second annual Tenant Resource Fair at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library downtown. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with government agencies, service organizations, and community groups focused on housing, and to join practical sessions about tenants’ rights and panel discussions on affordable housing. Participating organizations include the Office of the Tenant Advocate and Legal Aid DC. Plus, stop by our table to learn about support resources for Ward 4 tenants!

Office Hours at Hattie Holmes

Every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 2:30pm, our incredible Ward 4 constituent services team holds office hours at Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center on 324 Kennedy St NW. Community members can stop by and speak one-on-one with a member of our team about DC government services or our work in the Ward 4 community.

Sharing Traffic Safety Input

On Tuesday, DDOT announced they will be pausing the Traffic Safety Input Program to new submissions until October while they focus on completing their current workload of TSI reviews and installations. While TSIs are unavailable, my team has created a form for residents to submit traffic safety input. Note that this form should not be used to report maintenance issues related to existing roadway signs, traffic signal issues, sidewalk repairs, roadway markings, tree pruning, or roadway repairs (including speed hump repair requests). To access the form, click here.

Job Seekers Clinic at Petworth Library

On Thursday, July 18th from 2 to 3pm, Petworth Library will host a job seekers clinic in Meeting Room 2 of the library. Residents looking for jobs or application assistance can get support from library staff on resume development, interviewing skills, and other job seeking needs.

Mubadala Citi DC Open

The annual Mubadala Citi DC Open tournament is taking place at the Rock Creek Park Tennis Center from July 27th to August 4th! During the tournament, parking restrictions will be in effect for most of 16th Street Heights and Crestwood. Last week, the Office of the Mayor released the planned map of areas with restricted parking. Prior to the tournament beginning, the Mayor’s office will distribute parking passes to homes, churches, and businesses on the restricted blocks. These parking passes must be displayed on your vehicle to avoid being ticketed for the duration of the tournament. If you live in the area and are issued a parking ticket, email our Ward 4 MOCRs, Yamileth and Derek, at and If you see an illegally parked vehicle or signage removed, reach out to DPW at 202-541-6083. Click here for more information on the upcoming tournament.

Ward 4 Faith Leaders Peace Camp

Registration is open for Ward 4 Faith Leaders’ Peace Camp, a program for kids ages 9-13 to counter violence in our communities. The program runs from August 5th to 23rd, and focuses on building self-esteem, teaching conflict resolution, and promoting anti-bullying to help kids maintain healthy, constructive, and balanced lifestyles. Learn more about the program and apply online at

DOEE Racial Equity Action Plan

The Department of Energy and Environment is currently accepting feedback from the community on its 3-year Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP), which sets out plans to deliver programs and services more equitably. Some of DOEE’s commitments include better engaging community members on environmental justice priorities, expanding grant opportunities to Black, indigenous, and people of color-led organizations, and tracking trends in hiring, salary, and promotions across demographic traits for DOEE employees. Community members can share their feedback on the plan here until August 15th.

Neighborhood Events

Commemoration of the Battle of Fort Stevens

This year is the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Fort Stevens, which took place during the Civil War from July 11th to 12th, 1864. Although the battle is lesser known, it is of special significance to Ward 4, with much of the land now in Shepherd Park being involved in the battle. To commemorate this moment in Ward 4 and DC history, the National Park Service and the Alliance to Preserve the Civil War Defenses are organizing several events this weekend:

  • Friday, July 12th, 4 to 7pm: Symposium on the Battle of Fort Stevens and the Election of 1864 at the Lincoln Cottage (140 Rock Creek Church Road NW). Register here.
  • Saturday, July 13th, 8 to 10:30am: Hike from Fort Reno to Fort Stevens with the Potomac Region chapter of the Sierra Club. More details here.
    • Participants will be able to see the site of Fort Reno, defenses at Fort DeRussy, and Battleground National Cemetery, where 41 of the city’s defenders are buried.
  • Saturday, July 13th: Activities at the historic Fort Stevens (Quackenbos St between 13th and Georgia Ave NW)
    • 10am: Opening ceremony featuring Civil War music and talks by historians and other Civil War experts.
    • 12 to 3 pm: Living history demonstrations with military and civilian reenactors, more historical talks, Civil War-era activities for kids, books for sale and signing by authors, organizational tables, and more.
    • 3pm: Walk with NPS Ranger Bryan Cheeseboro to Battleground National Cemetery, followed by a 3:30pm presentation at Battleground by historian Gordon Berg.

Riggs Park Art Crawl

The 7th Annual Riggs Park Art Crawl is taking place Saturday, July 13th from 10am to 6pm at Riggs Rd NE and South Dakota Ave. The event will showcase the creativity of DC artists and entrepreneurs, featuring food vendors, family activities, music, and of course, lots of art!

Roving Leaders Movie Night at Emery Heights Community Center

DPR’s Roving Leaders program is hosting a movie night Friday, July 12th at 7pm at Emery Heights Community Center. Grab your blankets and chairs and join for a showing of “Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse.” Free popcorn will be provided!

Late Night Hype at Emery Heights Community Center

On Friday, July 12th from 7 to 11pm, DPR will host an after-hours Late Night Hype event at Emery Heights Community Center (5701 Georgia Avenue NW) as part of its weekly summer activation. Late Night Hype is a nighttime carnival-style event featuring bounce houses, music, food, video games, and much more! Check out the details on DPR’s website.

Jazz in the Parks at Walter Reed

Jazz in the Parks is back on Saturday, July 13th from 5 to 8pm! The event will open with kids’ performer Baba Ras D, followed by acclaimed jazz performer Integriti Reeves. Bring your friends or neighbors and enjoy food trucks or the wonderful restaurants around the Marketplace, just a block away up 12th Street. RSVP and more details here.

Disinformation: How to Recognize and Disrupt It

Starting Saturday, July 13th at 2pm, Petworth Library will host a three-part workshop series on identifying and dispelling disinformation. Deanna Troust, founder of Truth in Common, will help participants understand what disinformation is, its impact on communities and democracy, and how to disrupt its spread – online and in conversation with others. Learn more and sign up to attend here.

Ida B. Wells Birthday Celebration

Ida B Wells was a journalist, educator, and civil rights leader, born in Mississippi on July 16th, 1862. Every day, her legacy of social justice and the power of our voices is carried on at Ida B Wells Middle School, our neighborhood DC public middle school at 5th and Sheridan. Join Wells MS next Tuesday to celebrate Ms. Wells’s birthday, learn more about her life, and connect with the school community! (There will be cupcakes!) Students, families, and the community are welcome!

Movie Night at MacFarland MS

On Tuesday, July 17th at 8pm, join DCTMI and MacFarland PTO for a free Petworth movie night, showing Akeelah and the Bee (click here for free tickets)! MacFarland Middle School is looking for 200 volunteers to support their academic needs this summer and in the fall, and invites you to learn more next week! Can’t make it or ready to start now? Learn more and sign up to volunteer here!

Live Jazz on Kennedy Street

Over the next few months, Home Rule Records will be organizing monthly live jazz performances on the 700 block of Kennedy Street NW, with sponsorship from Uptown Main Street, DSLBD, Realtor Eddie Suarez, and others. Performances will be continuing through September with free live jazz performances each month. The next performance is on July 17th at 7pm with jazz musician Harlan Jones!

Pastor John W. Davis Street Designation

On Saturday, July 20th, from 2:30 to 4:30pm, I’ll be joining community members at Mt. Zion Baptist Church to officially designate 14th Street NW between Gallatin Street NW and Hamilton Street NW as Pastor John W. Davis Way. Pastor Davis served as the Senior Pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in 16th Street Heights for 40 years before passing away at the age of 99 in 2021. Pastor Davis was a cornerstone of our community, and at the time of his passing, was the oldest and longest-serving pastor in the District. I look forward to honoring and sharing his memory, and hope you’ll join as well!

For more local events, check out DPR, DC Public Library, and NPS.

Ward 4 in the News

Petworth News: DDOT just had a private meeting to discuss Grant Circle and you (probably) weren’t invited

Next Stop…Riggs Park: July 12 & 13: Riggs Park Art Crawl

Chevy Chase News and Notes: July Issue

The Washington Informer: The Collins Council Report: The Legislative Meeting before Summer Recess

ABC7 News: Mobile Workshop Works to Inspire StudentsWard 4 Dispatch: School Readiness Tours, Safety Meeting Recap, and New DC Wage Laws

Lastly, Over the weekend, I was grateful to see the Wilson Aquatic Center in Friendship Heights reopen after nearly a year of undergoing repairs. The pool is used by countless residents of Chevy Chase, Hawthorne, Barnaby Woods, and all of Northwest DC, and is an invaluable community resource, especially during these hot summer months.

This weekend marks a special milestone in our community’s shared history, as we’re celebrating the 160th anniversary of the Civil War Battle of Fort Stevens — much of which took place right in Shepherd Park. On Saturday, I’ll be joining the Alliance to Preserve the Civil War Defenses of Washington and neighbors to commemorate this battle, which was the closest the Confederate armies came to Washington DC, and the only time in American history a sitting president watched a battle take place. I hope you’ll join as we recognize its important place in our shared history.

Enjoy the weekend, Ward 4!

Yours in Community,
